Roberto Certomà |
Ha recitato (1) in:Winx Club 3D: Magica avventura [2010] (Mike).Ha doppiato (276):     Khalid Abdalla in          Il traditore tipo [Our Kind of Traitor, 2016] (Luke)      Jon Abrahams in           We Are Your Friends [2015] (Nicky Romero)      Aaron Abrams in           Regression [Regresión, 2015] (Farrell)      Jensen Ackles in           San Valentino di sangue 3D [My Bloody Valentine, 2009] (Tom Hanniger)      Grégory Annoni in           Chef [Comme un chef, 2012] (Boris)      Jim Antonio in           Pazzi in Alabama [Crazy in Alabama, 1999] (dott. Ward)      Andreas Apergis in           Riders [2002] (Nixdorfer) ;           X-Men - Giorni di un futuro passato [X-Men: Days of Future Past, 2014] (Col. Sanders)      Jonathan Aris in           Race - Il colore della vittoria [Race, 2016] (Alfred J. Lill)      Joe Armstrong in           L'ora più buia [Darkest Hour, 2017] (John Evans)      Fabien Baïardi in           Un sapore di ruggine e ossa [De rouille et d'os, 2012] (Pierre)      Dave Baez in           Il corvo - Preghiera maledetta [The Crow: Wicked Prayer, 2005] (lo sceriffo Tanner)      Dylan Baker in           Fido [2006] (Bill Robinson)      Paul Bandey in           La cugina Bette [Cousin Bette, 1998] (Priest)      Laurent Bateau in           Tutti in piedi [Tout le monde debout, 2018] (Lucien)      Jason Bateman in           Ti odio ti lascio ti... [The Break-Up, 2006] (Riggleman)      Jamie Beamish in           Hanna [2011] (Burton)      Craig Behenna in           Babadook [The Babadook, 2014] (Warren)      Gil Bellows in           The Weather Man - L'uomo delle previsioni [The Weather Man, 2005] (Don)      Christopher Berry in           12 anni schiavo [12 Years a Slave, 2013] (James Burch)      Raoul Bhaneja in           Miss Sloane - Giochi di potere [Miss Sloane, 2016] (R. M. Dutton)      John Harrington Bland in           Changeling [2008] (dott. John Montgomery)      Perry Blanks in           Hysteria [2011] (secondino)      Tom Brady in           Ted 2 [2015] (se stesso)      Martin Brambach in           Il falsario - Operazione Bernhard [Die Fälscher, 2007] (Holst)      Daniel Brochu in           Non nuocere [Do No Harm, 2012] (isp. Gennaro)      Marcus Lyle Brown in           The Host [2013] (il guaritore Fords)      W. Earl Brown in           Tutti pazzi per Mary [There's Something About Mary, 1998] (Warren Jensen)      Andy Buckley in           Jurassic World [2015] (Scott Mitchell)      Erik Burke in           Lezioni di felicità [Odette Toulemonde, 2006] (Filip)      McCaleb Burnett in           Annapolis [2006] (Whitaker)      Edward Burns in           Friends with Kids [2011] (Kurt) ;           40 carati [Man on a Ledge, 2012] (Jack Dougherty)      Bill Burr in           Black or White [2014] (Rick Reynolds) ;           Daddy's Home [2015] (Jerry)      Dean Cain in           Per 5 dollari al giorno [$5 a Day, 2008] (Rick Carlson)      Scott Michael Campbell in           Guida per riconoscere i tuoi santi [A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, 2006] (giocatore nerf)      Kim Carrell in           The Fighter [2010] (telecronista)      Max Casella in           Oldboy [2013] (James Prestley)      Jackie Chan in           Police Story [Ging chat goo si, 1985] (Chan Ka Kui)      Miles Chapin in           Larry Flynt - Oltre lo scandalo [The People vs. Larry Flynt, 1996] (Miles)      Dan Chariton in           Licorice Pizza [2021] (Sam Harpoon)      Josh Charles in           After.Life [2009] (Tom Peterson)      Joe Chrest in           Solo per vendetta [Seeking Justice, 2011] (isp. Rudeski)      Enzo Cilenti in           La teoria del tutto [The Theory of Everything, 2014] (Kip Thorne)      Djibril Cissé in           Taxxi 4 [Taxi 4, 2007] (se stesso)      Noel Clarke in           Centurion [2010] (Macros)      Scott Cohen in           Viaggio in paradiso [Get the Gringo, 2012] (l'avvocato di Frank)      Alex Collins in           The Accountant [2016] (Simon Dewey)      Jérôme Commandeur in           Supercondriaco - Ridere fa bene alla salute [Supercondriaque, 2014] (Guillaume Lempreur)      Martin Compston in           Red Road [2006] (Stevie)      Jack Conley in           The Cell - La cellula [The Cell, 2000] (ag. dell'FBI Brock)      David Copperfield in           L'incredibile Burt Wonderstone [The Incredible Burt Wonderstone, 2013] (se stesso)      Allan Corduner in           Cuore di tenebra [Heart of Darkness, 1993] (Verme)      Mackenzie Crook in           Solomon Kane [2009] (padre Michael)      Billy Crudup in           L'ombra del potere - The Good Shepherd [The Good Shepherd, 2006] (Arch Cummings)      Jonathan Cullen in           London Boulevard [2010] (Anthony Trent)      Billy Ray Cyrus in           Operazione Spy Sitter [The Spy Next Door, 2010] (Colton James)      Hugh Dancy in           Savage Grace [2007] (Sam Green)      Gary Daniels in           La linea [2008] (Martin)      Eric Davis in           Midway [2019] (Miles Browning)      Olivier Dazat in           Hotel cinque stelle [Quatre étoiles, 2006] (Casteldi)      Nathan Dean in           Serious Moonlight [2009] (ispettore)      Thomas Demarez in           Il viaggio di Fanny [Le voyage de Fanny, 2016] (poliziotto)      Marc Devigne in           Sguardo nel vuoto [The Lookout, 2007] (Cameron Pratt)      Taye Diggs in           Cake - Ti amo, ti mollo... ti sposo [Cake, 2005] (Hemingway Jones)      Garret Dillahunt in           Widows - Eredità criminale [Widows, 2018] (Bash O'Reilly)      Carl Dillard in           Pancho Villa, la leggenda [And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself, 2003] (Charles Rosher)      Richard Dillard in           Song to Song [2017] (religioso)      Kevin Dillon in           Hotel bau [Hotel for Dogs, 2009] (Carl Scudder)      Mike Dopud in           Ruslan [Driven to Kill, 2009] (Boris)      Stephen Dorff in           Nemico pubblico [Public Enemies, 2009] (Homer Van Meter)      Desmond Dube in           Hotel Rwanda [2004] (Dube)      Josh Duhamel in           Ramona e Beezus [Ramona and Beezus, 2010] (Hobart)      Ken Duken in           I vichinghi [Northmen - A Viking Saga, 2014] (Thorald)      Charlie Dupont in           Troppo amici [Tellement proches, 2009] (docente di scultura)      Mio Dzakula in           Stick It [2006] (Ivan)      Gregg Edelman in           Spider-Man 2 [2004] (dott. Davis)      Cory English in           The Conjuring - Il caso Enfield [The Conjuring 2, 2016] (lo scettico Kaplan)      Mike Epps in           Roll Bounce [2005] (Byron)      Michael Esper in           Frances Ha [2012] (Dan)      Chris Evans in           I Fantastici 4 [Fantastic Four, 2005] (Johnny Storm/la Torcia Umana) ;           I Fantastici 4 e Silver Surfer [4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 2007] (la Torcia Umana / Johnny Storm)      Ben Falcone in           CHIPS [2017] (agente in bicicletta)      Mark Famiglietti in           Il segreto dei suoi occhi [Secret in Their Eyes, 2015] (Duty Sergeant)      Aleksey Fateev in           Loveless [Nelyubov, 2017] (Ivan)      Jon Favreau in           Una famiglia all'improvviso [People Like Us, 2012] (Richards)      Peter Ferdinando in           King Arthur - Il potere della spada [King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, 2017] (il conte di Mercia)      Brandon Firla in           Fairfield Road [2010] (Randall Henderson)      Jaime FitzSimons in           Suicide Squad [2016] (serg. Ames Bravo 14)      Laurence Fox in           Becoming Jane [2007] (sig. Wisley)      Martin Freeman in           Hot Fuzz [2007] (sergente MET) ;           Captain America - Civil War [Captain America: Civil War, 2016] (Everett K. Ross) ;           Black Panther [2018] (Everett K. Ross) ;           Black Panther - Wakanda Forever [Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, 2022] (Everett K. Ross)      Victor Garber in           Insonnia d'amore [Sleepless in Seattle, 1993] (Greg)      Larry Gilliard Jr. in           Waterboy [The Waterboy, 1998] (Derek Wallace) ;           Una notte in giallo [Walk of Shame, 2014] (Scrilla)      Adam Goldberg in           Salvate il soldato Ryan [Saving Private Ryan, 1998] (soldato Stanley Mellish)      Adam Goldberg in           C'era una volta a Los Angeles [Once Upon a Time in Venice, 2017] (Lou (orig. Lew the Jew))      Darren Goldstein in           Limitless [2011] (Kevin Doyle) ;           La ragazza del treno [The Girl on the Train, 2016] (uomo in giacca e cravatta)      Conrad Goode in           Terapia d'urto [Anger Management, 2003] (usciere/uomo sulla Lexus)      Clark Gregg in           I pinguini di Mr. Popper [Mr. Popper's Penguins, 2011] (Nat Jones)      Tim Griffin in           American Sniper [2014] (Col. Gronski)      Tim Guinee in           Scusa mi piace tuo padre [The Oranges, 2011] (Roger)      Rio Hackford in           Stay Alive [2006] (isp. King)      Tony Hale in           American Ultra [2015] (Petey Douglas) ;           Tuo, Simon [Love, Simon, 2018] (sig. Worth)      Craig Hall in           King Kong [2005] (Mike) ;           The Water Horse - La leggenda degli abissi [The Water Horse, 2007] (Charlie MacMorrow) ;           30 giorni di buio [30 Days of Night, 2007] (Wilson Bulosan)      Josh Hamilton in           American Life [Away We Go, 2009] (Roderick Herrin) ;           Dark Skies - Oscure presenze [Dark Skies, 2013] (Daniel Barrett)      Colin Hanks in           Come ti rovino le vacanze [Vacation, 2015] (Jake)      Joshua Harto in           Gold - La grande truffa [Gold, 2016] (Lloyd Stanton)      Micah Hauptman in           Everest [2015] (David Breashears)      Tony D. Head in           Joker [2019] (giornalista della WGC)      Pat Healy in           The Post [2017] (Philip L. 'Phil' Geyelin)      Bill Heck in           The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Il potere di Electro [The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 2014] (il copilota del G-5)      Maximiliano Hernández in           Captain America - The Winter Soldier [Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014] (Jasper Sitwell) ;           Avengers - Endgame [Avengers: Endgame, 2019] (ag. Jasper Sitwell)      Christopher Heyerdahl in           Soldado [Sicario: Day of the Soldado, 2018] (Deats)      Dwayne Hill in           La sicurezza degli oggetti [The Safety of Objects, 2001] (Bill McArthur)      Kristofer Hivju in           In ordine di sparizione [Kraftidioten, 2014] (Strike - Stig Erik Smith)      André Holland in           Selma - La strada per la libertà [Selma, 2014] (Andrew Young)      Steven Howitt in           La foresta dei sogni [The Sea of Trees, 2015] (medico)      Gheorghe Ifrim in           Oltre le colline [Dupa dealuri, 2012] (barelliere)      Ralph Ineson in           Star Wars - Gli ultimi Jedi [Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi, 2017] (ufficiale)      Marc Evan Jackson in           22 Jump Street [2014] (dott. Murphy)      Noel Johansen in           Adaline - L'eterna giovinezza [The Age of Adaline, 2015] (poliziotto degli anni 50)      Corey Johnson in           Hellboy [2004] (agente Clay)      Nicolas Jouhet in           La religiosa [La religieuse, 2013] (padre Sainte-Marie)      Kevin Jubinville in           Georgetown [2019] (Dekalb)      Oliver Kalkofe in           Animals United [Konferenz der Tiere, 2010] (Smith, il direttore dell'albergo) ;           Animals United [Konferenz der Tiere, 2010] (Smith, il direttore dell'albergo)      Patrik Karlson in           Il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve [Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann, 2013] (Sigvard Eklund)      Jay Karnes in           Setup [2011] (Russell)      Will Keen in           L'uomo che uccise Don Chisciotte [The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, 2018] (il produttore)      Konstantin Khabensky in           Sobibor - La grande fuga [Sobibor, 2018] (Alexander Pechersky)      Alyy Khan in           Traitor - Sospetto tradimento [Traitor, 2008] (Fareed)      Elek Kish in           T2 Trainspotting [2017] (Dozo)      Pierre Kiwitt in           Un profilo per due [Un profil pour deux, 2017] (David)      Boris Kodjoe in           L'amore in valigia [Baggage Claim, 2013] (Graham)      Elias Koteas in           Dancing at the Blue Iguana [2000] (Sully)      Tsuyoshi Koyama in           In questo angolo di mondo [Kono sekai no katasumi ni, 2016] (Juro Urano)      Clay Edmund Kraski in           La regola del gioco [Kill the Messenger, 2014] (ag. Jones)      Stephen Kunken in           Jason Bourne [2016] (Baumen)      Dylan Kussman in           Richard Jewell [2019] (Bruce Hughes)      Jake La Botz in           John Rambo [Rambo, 2008] (Reese)      Nick Lachey in           The Hard Easy [2006] (Jason Burns)      James Lancaster in           Lost Souls - La profezia [Lost Souls, 2000] (padre Jeremy)      Eric Lange in           I segreti di Wind River [Wind River, 2017] (dott. Whitehurst)      Wallace Langham in           Transcendence [2014] (dott. Strauss)      Daniel Lapaine in           Studio 54 [54, 1998] (Marc il portiere)      Andy Lau in           Infernal affairs [Mou gaan dou, 2002] (isp. Lau Kin Ming)      Vincent Leclerc in           Sotto assedio - White House Down [White House Down, 2013] (ag. Ryan Todd)      Roch Leibovici in           Due agenti molto speciali [De l'autre côté du périph, 2012] (Patrick)      David Leitch in           The Bourne Legacy [2012] (l'autista)      Francis Leplay in           I re e la regina [Rois et reine, 2004] (Christian)      Matt Letscher in           Lei [Her, 2013] (Charles)      Thure Lindhardt in           Byzantium [2012] (Werner) ;           Fast & Furious 6 [Furious 6, 2013] (Firuz)      Rich Little in           Il grande match [Grudge Match, 2013] (annunciatore sul ring)      Todd Louiso in           Adorabile nemica [The Last Word, 2017] (dott. Morgan)      Andreas Müller in           Desiderio [Sehnsucht, 2006] (Markus Koplin)      Bruce MacVittie in           Brooklyn's Finest [2009] (padre Scarpitta)      Francis Magee in           London River [2009] (isp. Paddington)      William Mapother in           World Trade Center [2006] (serg. Dave Thomas) ;           Another Earth [2011] (John Burroughs)      Nicolas Maury in           Il primo bacio [Les beaux gosses, 2009] (il docente di francese)      Joseph Mawle in           1921 - Il mistero di Rookford [The Awakening, 2011] (Edward Judd)      Simon McBurney in           Robin Hood [2010] (frate Tancredi)      Thomas McCarthy in           Ti presento i miei [Meet the Parents, 2000] (dott. Bob Banks)      Chris McGarry in           Lawless [2012] (Danny)      Kevin McKidd in           L'ultima legione [The Last Legion, 2007] (Wulfila)      Julian McMahon in           Faces in the Crowd - Frammenti di un omicidio [Faces in the Crowd, 2011] (isp. Sam Kerrest) ;           Il potere dei soldi [Paranoia, 2013] (Miles Meechum)      Shane McRae in           I guardiani del destino [The Adjustment Bureau, 2011] (Adrian Troussant, il fidanzato di Elise)      David McSavage in           Dickens - L'uomo che inventò il Natale [The Man Who Invented Christmas, 2017] (Hall)      Stéphane Metzger in           36 Quai des Orfèvres [2004] (Smao)      Torsten Michaelis in           Frantz [2016] (sacerdote)      Dash Mihok in           Il cane pompiere [Firehouse Dog, 2007] (Trey Falcon) ;           Punisher - Zona di guerra [Punisher: War Zone, 2008] (isp. Martin Soap)      Rob Moran in           Io, me e Irene [Me, Myself & Irene, 2000] (soldato Finneran)      Roberto Mori in           Il destino di un guerriero [Alatriste, 2006] (Teodoro)      David Morrissey in           Blitz [2011] (Harold Dunlop)      Roger W. Morrissey in           Il sogno di Calvin [Like Mike, 2002] (Marvin Joad)      Luca Mosca in           John Wick - Capitolo 2 [John Wick: Chapter 2, 2017] (il sarto italiano)      Jordan Mott in           Chill Factor - Pericolo imminente [Chill Factor, 1999] (Carl)      Colin Moy in           Emperor [2012] (Gen. Richter)      Dion Mucciacito in           Cell Block 99 - Nessuno può fermarmi [Brawl in Cell Block 99, 2017] (Eleazar)      Bill Murphy in           Un perfetto criminale [Ordinary Decent Criminal, 2000] (Barry)      Duane Murray in           Il mio amico Nanuk [Midnight Sun, 2014] (Jake Murdoch) ;           Il caso Spotlight [Spotlight, 2015] (Hansi Kalkofen)      Kiichi Nakai in           Mille miglia... lontano [Qian li zou dan qi, 2005] (Ken-ichi Takata)      Alejandro Naranjo in           La furia dei Titani [Wrath of the Titans, 2012] (Mantio)      Tim Blake Nelson in           Colossal [2016] (Garth)      Charlie Newmark in           Surveillance [2008] (ag. Wright)      Johnny Nguyen in           The Protector - La legge del Muay Thai [Tom yum goong, 2005] (Johnny)      Jeremy Northam in           Invasion [The Invasion, 2007] (Tucker Kaufman)      Brían F. O'Byrne in           L'ultimo dei templari [Season of the Witch, 2011] (il Gran Maestro)      Damian O'Hare in           La maledizione della prima luna [Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, 2003] (Lt. Gillette)      Ty Olsson in           Godzilla [2014] (Jainway)      Timothy Olyphant in           Fuori in 60 secondi [Gone in Sixty Seconds, 2000] (ispettore Drycoff)      Josh Pais in           In linea con l'assassino [Phone Booth, 2002] (Mario) ;           Please Give [2010] (Adam)      Steve Park in           State of Play [2009] (Chris Kawai)      Tahmoh Penikett in           L'uomo d'acciaio [Man of Steel, 2013] (Jed Eubanks)      Barry Pepper in           Maze Runner - La fuga [Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, 2015] (Vince) ;           Maze Runner - La rivelazione [Maze Runner: The Death Cure, 2018] (Vince)      Max Perlich in           The Darwin Awards [2006] (Bob)      Alistair Petrie in           Cloud Atlas [2012] (Felix Finch)      Larry Pine in           Prima e dopo [Before and After, 1996] (dott. Tom McAnally)      Tony Plana in           Pain & Gain - Muscoli e denaro [Pain & Gain, 2013] (Cap. Lopez)      Bruno Podalydès in           Il figlio dell'altra [Le fils de l'autre, 2012] (David)      Melvil Poupaud in           Racconto di Natale [Un conte de Noël, 2008] (Ivan, il figlio minore)      Jeremy Powell in           United 93 [2006] (se stesso)      Brian Presley in           USS Indianapolis [USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, 2016] (Waxman)      Steven Chester Prince in           Alamo - Gli ultimi eroi [The Alamo, 2004] (ten. John Forsythe)      Piotr Probosz in           Walesa - L'uomo della speranza [Walesa. Czlowiek z nadziei, 2013] (Mijak)      Edoardo Purgatori in           Mine [2016] (il radioperatore)      William Ragsdale in           Left Behind - La profezia [Left Behind, 2014] (Chris Smith)      Gregg Rainwater in           Street Fighter - Sfida finale [Street Fighter, 1994] (Thunder Hawk)      Simon Rex in           Superhero - Il più dotato fra i supereroi [Superhero Movie, 2008] (la torcia umana)      Corey Reynolds in           The Terminal [2004] (Waylin)      Rene M. Rigal in           La trappola [Fish in a Barrel, 2001] (Sammy)      Chris Robson in           Doomsday - Il giorno del giudizio [Doomsday, 2008] (Stevie Miller)      Mel Rodriguez in           Panic Room [2002] (agente Morales)      George Russo in           Impero criminale [The Corrupted, 2019] (Frank Walsh)      John Savage in           La sottile linea rossa [The Thin Red Line, 1998] (serg. McCron)      Doug Savant in           Godzilla [1998] (serg. O'Neal)      Hinnerk Schönemann in           Le vite degli altri [Das Leben der Anderen, 2006] (S.Ten. Axel Stigler)      Péter Scherer in           Kontroll [2003] (il capo)      John Schneider in           True Women - Oltre i confini del west [True Women, 1997] (Sam Houston)      Paul Schneider in           L'eccezione alla regola [Rules Don't Apply, 2016] (Richard Miskin)      Adam Scott in           The Aviator [2004] (Johnny Meyer)      Terry Serpico in           The Interpreter [2005] (agente dell'FBI Lewis)      San Shella in           L'uomo che vide l'infinito [The Man Who Knew Infinity, 2015] (dott. Muthu)      Scott Shepherd in           Effetti collaterali [Side Effects, 2013] (ispettore) ;           L'incredibile vita di Norman [Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer, 2016] (Bruce Schwartz)      Mark Sherman in           Straight Outta Compton [2015] (Jimmy Iovine)      Chris Shields in           Killing Point [Kill Switch, 2008] (agente)      Jimmy Shubert in           Go - Una notte da dimenticare [Go, 1999] (Victor Jr.)      Jimmi Simpson in           Caccia spietata [Seraphim Falls, 2006] (Virgil (orig. Big Brother))      Jamie Sives in           Heart of the Sea - Le origini di Moby Dick [In the Heart of the Sea, 2015] (Isaac Cole)      Sam Spruell in           Legend [2015] (Jack McVitie)      Josh Stamberg in           Il caso Thomas Crawford [Fracture, 2007] (Norman Foster)      Anthony Starke in           Sesso bugie... e difetti di fabbrica [Baby on Board, 2009] (dott. Taylor)      Ewan Stewart in           Con la testa tra le stelle [The Closer You Get, 2000] (Pat O'Leary)      Corey Stoll in           Slevin - Patto criminale [Lucky Number Slevin, 2006] (Saul) ;           First Man - Il primo uomo [First Man, 2018] (Edwin Eugene 'Buzz' Aldrin)      Jeremy Strong in           Detroit [2017] (avv. Lang)      Marcus Thomas in           Edmond [2005] (uomo alla finestra)      Shaun Toub in           La terra dell'abbondanza [Land of Plenty, 2004] (Hassan)      Robert C. Treveiler in           The Bay [2012] (dott. Williams) ;           Sully [2016] (supervisore)      Michael Trucco in           Next [2007] (Kendall)      Gilles Tschudi in           Sils Maria [Clouds of Sils Maria, 2014] (il sindaco di Zurigo)      Gavin-Keith Umeh in           One for the Money [2012] (Benito Ramirez)      James Urbaniak in           Che fine ha fatto Bernadette? [Where'd You Go, Bernadette, 2019] (ag. Marcus Strang)      Jacob Vargas in           Bobby Z - Il signore della droga [The Death and Life of Bobby Z, 2007] (Jorge Escobar)      Yul Vazquez in           Captain Phillips - Attacco in mare aperto [Captain Phillips, 2013] (Cap. Frank Castellano)      Conrad Vernon in           Bee Movie [2007] (Freddy)      Robert Wahlberg in           The Departed - Il bene e il male [The Departed, 2006] (ag. FBI Lazio)      Robert Webb in           Absolutely Fabulous - Il film [Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie, 2016] (Nick)      Shea Whigham in           Machete [2010] (Sniper) ;           The Conspirator [2010] (Cap. Cottingham)      Felix Williamson in           Truth - Il prezzo della verità [Truth, 2015] (Mike Missal)      Luke Wilson in           Charlie's Angels - Più che mai [Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, 2003] (Pete)      Gunnar Winbergh in           Millions [2004] (Eli)      Russell Wong in           La tela dell'assassino [Twisted, 2004] (ten. Tong)      Florian Wormser in           Zanna Bianca [Croc-Blanc, 2018] (Ned)      Rufus Wright in           L'arma dell'inganno - Operazione Mincemeat [Operation Mincemeat, 2021] (Ten. Bill Jewell)      Radu Zetu in           Oltre le colline [Dupa dealuri, 2012] (tenente)      Xavier de Guillebon in           La moglie del cuoco [On a failli être amies, 2014] (Vincent) . |