CGS CIMATTI - Oratorio don Bosco

Big Charlie

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Massimo Rinaldi

In campo cinematografico

Ha recitato (1) in:

         L'apetta Giulia e la signora Vita [2003] (il padre di Sarah).

Ha doppiato (95):

     Frank Adonis in
          Wall Street [1987] (Charlie)
     John Alexander in
          Nel fantastico mondo di Oz [Return to Oz, 1985] (Leone codardo / Ruotante)
     Roger Allam in
          The Queen - La regina [The Queen, 2006] (Robin Janvrin)
     Elya Baskin in
          2010 - L'anno del contatto [2010, 1984] (Maxim Brajlovsky)
     Bruce Bohne in
          Fargo [1996] (Lou)
     Jean-Claude Bourbault in
          Le passeggiate al Campo di Marte [Le promeneur du champ de Mars, 2005] (il libraio)
     Albert Brooks in
          Dentro la notizia [Broadcast News, 1987] (Aaron Altman) ;
          Prossima fermata: Paradiso [Defending Your Life, 1991] (Daniel Miller)
     Richard Burgi in
          In Her Shoes - Se fossi lei [In Her Shoes, 2005] (Jim Danvers)
     Gary Busey in
          Arma letale [Lethal Weapon, 1987] (sig. Joshua)
     Merritt Butrick in
          Star Trek III: alla ricerca di Spock [Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, 1984] (dott. David Marcus)
     Gabriel Byrne in
          Fuga dal mondo dei sogni [Cool World, 1992] (Jack Deebs)
     Chevy Chase in
          Un Natale esplosivo [National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, 1989] (Clark Griswold junior) ;
          Nient'altro che guai [Nothing But Trouble, 1991] (Chris Thorne)
     Stephen Colbert in
          Vita da strega [Bewitched, 2005] (Stu Robison)
     Sean Connery in
          Darby O'Gill e il re dei folletti [Darby O'Gill and the Little People, 1959] (Michael McBride)
     John G. Connolly in
          xXx 2 - The next level [xXx: State of the Union, 2005] (ten. Alabama 'Bama' Cobb)
     Jesse Corti in
          Revenge [1990] (Medero)
     Marco Vittorio Covassi in
          Il tagliaerbe [The Lawnmower Man, 1992] ()
     Vincent D'Onofrio in
          Mister Wonderful [Mr. Wonderful, 1993] (Dominic)
     Bruce Davison in
          America oggi [Short Cuts, 1993] (Howard Finnigan)
     Gérard Depardieu in
          Ma dove è andata la mia bambina? [My Father the Hero, 1994] (Andrè)
     Scott Doebler in
          Gente comune [Ordinary People, 1980] (Jordan 'Buck' Jarrett)
     John Farley in
          Zohan - Tutte le donne vengono al pettine [You Don't Mess with the Zohan, 2008] (Tom)
     Alexander Godunov in
          Witness - Il testimone [Witness, 1985] (Daniel Hochleitner)
     Alexander Godunov in
          Casa, dolce casa? [The Money Pit, 1986] (Max Beissart, the Maestro)
     Jeff Goldblum in
          L'uomo dell'anno [Man of the Year, 2006] (Stewart)
     Joe Grifasi in
          Doppia ipotesi per un delitto [Slow Burn, 2005] (serg. Drown)
     Steve Guttenberg in
          High Spirits - Fantasmi da legare [High Spirits, 1988] (Jack Crawford) ;
          Cocoon - Il ritorno [Cocoon: The Return, 1988] (Jack Bonner) ;
          Tre scapoli e una bimba [3 Men and a Little Lady, 1990] (Michael Kellam)
     Allan Havey in
          The Informant! [2009] (ag. FBI Dean Paisley)
     John Heard in
          Fuori orario [After Hours, 1985] (Thomas 'Tom' Schorr)
     David Hess in
          Jonathan degli orsi [1995] (Maddock)
     Brendan Higgins in
          Un grido nella notte [Evil Angels, 1988] (Kirkham)
     David Hunt in
          Jade [1995] (Pat Callendar)
     Danny Huston in
          Anna Karenina [1997] (Stiva)
     Seth Isler in
          L'ultimo appello [The Chamber, 1996] (Marvin B. Kramer)
     Benoît Jacquot in
          Rompicapo a New York [Casse-tête chinois, 2013] (sig. Rousseau, il padre di Xavier)
     Don Johnson in
          Nata ieri [Born Yesterday, 1993] (Paul Verrall)
     Robert Johnstreet in
          Missing - Scomparso [Missing, 1982] (Rob)
     Robert Joy in
          L'ultima porta [The Lazarus Child, 2005] (sen. Willis)
     John Kapelos in
          Breakfast Club [The Breakfast Club, 1985] (Carl, il bidello)
     Sean Kearns in
          The Informant [The IRA Informant, 1997] (isp. Prentice)
     Terry Kinney in
          La casa della gioia [The House of Mirth, 2000] (George Dorset)
     Joel Kirby in
          Faust [2011] (padre Philippe)
     Sebastian Koch in
          Amen. [2002] (Höss)
     Elias Koteas in
          Un magico Natale [One Magic Christmas, 1985] (Eddie)
     Denis Lavant in
          Una lunga domenica di passioni [Un long dimanche de fiançailles, 2004] (Six-Soux)
     Donal Logue in
          Se scappi ti sposo [Runaway Bride, 1999] (Brian)
     Gary Lydon in
          Un perfetto criminale [Ordinary Decent Criminal, 2000] (Tom Rooney)
     Jacques Mathou in
          Betty Blue [37°2 le matin, 1986] (Bob)
     Neal McDonough in
          A testa alta [Walking Tall, 2004] (Jay Hamilton)
     Bruce McGill in
          Tutto in una notte [Into the Night, 1985] (Charlie)
     Kad Merad in
          Les choristes - I ragazzi del coro [Les Choristes, 2004] (Chabert)
     Michael Milhoan in
          Allarme rosso [Crimson Tide, 1995] (capo operazioni Hunsicker)
     D. W. Moffett in
          Un giorno di ordinaria follia [Falling Down, 1993] (isp. Lydecker)
     Lorin Moore in
          The Truman Show [1998] (bigliettaio)
     Liam Neeson in
          Ruby Cairo [1993] (dott. Fergus Lamb, Feed the World)
     Michael Nicolosi in
          Hell's Kitchen [1998] (Sean)
     Russell Osman in
          Fuga per la vittoria [Victory, 1981] (Doug Clure)
     William L. Petersen in
          Cugini [Cousins, 1989] (Tom Hardy)
     Bronson Pinchot in
          Risky Business - Fuori i vecchi ... i figli ballano [Risky Business, 1983] (Barry)
     Kevin Pollak in
          Arresti familiari [House Arrest, 1996] (Ned Beindorf)
     Bill Pullman in
          Sommersby [1993] (Orin Meecham)
     Randy Quaid in
          Le avventure di Rocky e Bullwinkle [The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle, 2000] (Cappy von Trapment)
     Judge Reinhold in
          Beverly Hills Cop - Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills [Beverly Hills Cop, 1984] (isp. William 'Billy' Rosewood) ;
          Per favore, ammazzatemi mia moglie! [Ruthless People, 1986] (Ken Kessler) ;
          Beverly Hills Cop II - Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills II [Beverly Hills Cop II, 1987] (isp. William 'Billy' Rosewood) ;
          Beverly Hills Cop III - Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills III [Beverly Hills Cop III, 1994] (serg. isp. William 'Billy' Rosewood) ;
          Family Plan - Un'estate sottosopra [Family Plan, 1997] (Jeffrey Shayes)
     James Remar in
          Blade: Trinity [2004] (Ray Cumberland)
     Chris Robinson in
          Amy [1981] (Elliot Medford)
     Robert Rusler in
          La donna esplosiva [Weird Science, 1985] (Max)
     Jay O. Sanders in
          Tucker - Un uomo e il suo sogno [Tucker: The Man and His Dream, 1988] (Kirby)
     José Angel Santana in
          I falchi della notte [Nighthawks, 1981] (malvivente)
     Doug Savant in
          Voglia di vincere [Teen Wolf, 1985] (Brad)
     Sam Shepard in
          Uomini veri [The Right Stuff, 1983] (pilota collaudatore Cap. poi Col. Chuck Yeager)
     Christopher Shyer in
          J. Edgar [2011] (il presidente Richard Nixon)
     Tom Sizemore in
          Point Break - Punto di rottura [Point Break, 1991] (agente Deets)
     Serge Soric in
          7 Seconds [2005] (Mikhail)
     Kevin Spacey in
          Henry & June [1990] (Richard Osborn)
     Patrick Stack in
          Rambo [First Blood, 1982] (Ten. Clinton Morgen)
     Peter Stebbings in
          Immortals [2011] (Elio)
      Sting in
          Dune [1984] (Feyd-Rautha)
     Mark Strong in
          Febbre a 90° [Fever Pitch, 1997] (Steve)
     John Terry in
          Uomini e topi [Of Mice and Men, 1992] (Slim)
     Stephen Tobolowsky in
          Thelma & Louise [1991] (Max)
     John Turturro in
          Fearless - Senza paura [Fearless, 1993] (dott. Bill Perlman)
     Mario Van Peebles in
          New Jack City [1991] (Stone)
     Christopher Villiers in
          Top Secret! [1984] (Nigel)
     Bradley Whitford in
          Scent of a woman - Profumo di donna [Scent of a Woman, 1992] (Randy)
     Frank Wood in
          L'amore secondo Dan [Dan in Real Life, 2007] (Howard)
     Cliff De Young in
          Amare con rabbia [Reckless, 1984] (Phil Barton)
     Masayuki Yui in
          Madadayo - Il compleanno [Madadayo, 1993] (Kiriyama) .
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     IMDb, Wikipedia, Antonio Genna.


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