CGS CIMATTI - Oratorio don Bosco

Big Charlie

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Davide Marzi

In campo cinematografico

Ha doppiato (132):

     George Alvarez in
          Epic Movie [2007] (Ron)
     Rosario Amedeo in
          French Connection [La French, 2014] (Charly)
     Peter Appel in
          Léon [1994] (Malky)
     Tomas Arana in
          Pearl Harbor [2001] (Frank J. 'Jack' Fletcher)
     Dylan Baker in
          Thirteen Days [2000] (Robert McNamara, segretario alla difesa) ;
          Turks & Caicos [2014] (Gary Bethwaite)
     Michael Beasley in
          Mardi Gras - Fuga dal college [Mardi Gras: Spring Break, 2011] (il buttafuori da Maxim)
     Tim Beckmann in
          Midway [2019] (Cap. Rawlings)
     Peter Benedict in
          La scelta di Barbara [Barbara, 2012] (Gerhard)
     Charles Berling in
          Ore d'estate [L'heure d'été, 2008] (Frédéric)
     Louis Bertignac in
          Highlander 3 [Highlander III: The Sorcerer, 1994] (Pierre Bouchet)
     Paul Blackwell in
          Criminal [2016] (ag. CIA)
     Moritz Bleibtreu in
          Female agents [Les femmes de l'ombre, 2008] (Karl Heindrich)
     Lutz Blochberger in
          Frantz [2016] (l'uomo del lago)
     David Boreanaz in
          Il corvo - Preghiera maledetta [The Crow: Wicked Prayer, 2005] (Luc Crash / Morte / Satana)
     Kevin Bourland in
          Norma Jean e Marilyn - Due vite un mito [Norma Jean & Marilyn, 1996] (David March)
     Laurence Breuls in
          Ghost Rider [2007] (Gressil)
     Leon Addison Brown in
          La preda perfetta [A Walk Among the Tombstones, 2014] (Stover)
     Frank Bruynbroek in
          Traffico di diamanti [Money Talks, 1997] (Dubray)
     Tyreese Burnett in
          Drumline [2002] (Henry)
     Bobby Cannavale in
          Perimetro di paura [100 Feet, 2008] (Lou Shanks) ;
          Comic Movie [Movie 43, 2013] (il falso Superman)
     James Carroll in
          Minari [2020] (frate Roy)
     Miles Chapin in
          Funny Money - Come fare i soldi senza lavorare [The Associate, 1996] (Harry)
     Tom Choi in
          Obbligo o verità [Truth or Dare, 2018] (ag. Han Chang)
     Scott Cohen in
          Please Give [2010] (dott. Lerner)
     Yorgo Constantine in
          Fast & Furious 5 [Fast Five, 2011] (Chato)
     Tim Conway Jr. in
          Licorice Pizza [2021] (Vic, il direttore)
     Anderson Cooper in
          Humandroid [Chappie, 2015] (Anderson Cooper)
     Kevin Corrigan in
          SuXbad - 3 menti sopra il pelo [Superbad, 2007] (Mark)
     Michael Cumpsty in
          L'ospite inatteso [The Visitor, 2007] (Charles)
     Eric Dane in
          X-Men: conflitto finale [X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006] (Jamie Madrox / Uomo Multiplo)
     Raz Degan in
          Special forces - Liberate l'ostaggio [Forces spéciales, 2011] (Ahmed Zaief)
     Charles Edwards in
          Il ritratto del duca [The Duke, 2020] (sir Joseph Simpson)
     Rainer Egger in
          Frantz [2016] (il custode del cimitero tedesco)
     Ron Eldard in
          Black Hawk Down [2001] (Durant)
     Golo Euler in
          Corri ragazzo corri [Lauf Junge lauf, 2013] (sodato delle SS)
     Benno Fürmann in
          Mutant Chronicles [2008] (Ten. Maximillian von Steiner)
     Will Featherstone in
          A United Kingdom - L'amore che ha cambiato la storia [A United Kingdom, 2016] (reporter alla radio)
     Tibor Feldman in
          Il diavolo veste Prada [The Devil Wears Prada, 2006] (Irv Ravitz)
     Peter Ferdinando in
          Il ribelle - Starred Up [Starred Up, 2013] (Dennis Spencer)
     Howard Fine in
          Parto col folle [Due Date, 2010] (la voce di se stesso)
     Daniel Fox in
          Momentum [2015] (Anfetamina)
     James Franco in
          L'amore non va in vacanza [The Holiday, 2006] (se stesso)
     Éric Génovèse in
          Un'ombra sulla verità [L'homme de la cave, 2021] (sig. Martini)
     Alejandro Goic in
          Affetti & dispetti [La nana, 2009] (Mundo)
     Brett Granstaff in
          Setup [2011] (Dave Hall)
     Michael Greyeyes in
          Time X - Fuori tempo massimo [Zig Zag, 2002] (Dale) {ridopp. Sky}
     Richard Grieco in
          22 Jump Street [2014] (Booker)
     Anthony Michael Hall in
          Il cavaliere oscuro [The Dark Knight, 2008] (Mike Engel)
     Jefferson Hall in
          Tenet [2020] (uomo elegante)
     Nick Hardin in
          Lockout [2012] (negoziatore)
     Don Harvey in
          Gangster Squad [2013] (ag. Funston)
     Anthony Head in
          Ghost Rider - Spirito di vendetta [Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, 2011] (Benedict)
     Stephen Hudson in
          Un'ottima annata [A Good Year, 2006] (speaker)
     Neil Jackson in
          Alexander [2004] (Perdicca)
     Corey Johnson in
          Genius [2016] (John Wheelock)
     Jared Joplin in
          Ted Bundy - Fascino criminale [Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, 2019] (avv. Frank Tucker)
     Max Kasch in
          Right at Your Door [2006] (Cap. Marshall)
     Nicky Katt in
          Lo spaventapassere [The Sitter, 2011] (ag. Petite)
     Lance Kinsey in
          Palle in canna [Loaded Weapon 1, 1993] (Ten. Irv Lansing)
     Takehito Koyasu in
          Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End Of Evangelion [Shin seiki Evangelion Gekijô-ban: Air/Magokoro wo, kimi ni, 1997] (Shigeru Aoba)
     Eric Krop in
          La legge del mercato [La loi du marché, 2015] (il preside)
     Michael Landes in
          Il fidanzato della mia ragazza [My Girlfriend's Boyfriend, 2010] (Troy Parker)
     Sal Landi in
          Killer per caso [1997] (Rico) ;
          Lansky - Un cervello al servizio della mafia [Lansky, 1999] (Joe Adonis) {orig.}
     Philip Lawrence in
          Rio 2 - Missione Amazzonia [Rio 2, 2014] (Felipe)
     James Lesure in
          The Ring 2 [The Ring Two, 2005] (medico)
     Omar Leyva in
          McFarland, USA [2015] (sig. Diaz)
     Josh Lucas in
          The Lincoln Lawyer [2011] (Ted Minton)
     Hocine Mérabet in
          Grandi bugie tra amici [Nous finirons ensemble, 2019] (Nassim)
     Art Malik in
          Diana - La storia segreta di Lady D [Diana, 2013] (Samundar)
     Ismael Martínez in
          Carmen [2003] (Antonio)
     Vladimir Mashkov in
          Dancing at the Blue Iguana [2000] (Sacha)
     Ulrich Matthes in
          La vita nascosta - Hidden Life [A Hidden Life, 2019] (Lorenz Schwaninger) {orig.}
     Matt McColm in
          Matrix Reloaded [The Matrix Reloaded, 2003] (agente Thompson)
     Neal McDonough in
          The Guardian [2006] (Jack Skinner)
     Courtney McLean in
          Braccato dal destino [Caught Up, 1998] (Bob)
     Stuart McQuarrie in
          Turner [Mr. Turner, 2014] (il padre di Ruskin)
     Tom McTigue in
          Boyhood [2014] (sig. Turlington)
     Raymond Mearns in
          L'illusionista [L'illusionniste, 2010] (il principe Leopoldo)
     Mads Mikkelsen in
          Rogue One - A Star Wars Story [Rogue One, 2016] (Galen Erso)
     Judson Mills in
          Rosewood Lane [2011] (Darren Summers)
     Jeffrey Dean Morgan in
          Jonah Hex [2010] (Jeb Turnbull)
     Joe Morton in
          La linea [2008] (Hodges)
     Shido Nakamura in
          Lettere da Iwo Jima [Letters from Iwo Jima, 2006] (ten. Ito)
     Sergey Nasibov in
          Ruslan [Driven to Kill, 2009] (Ilya)
     Dennis North in
          Batman v Superman - Dawn of Justice [Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, 2016] (Sen. Barrows)
     Oscar Nuñez in
          Baywatch [2017] (il consigliere Rodriguez)
     Michael Papajohn in
          Spider-Man [2002] (Carjacker)
     Daniel Peacock in
          Robin Hood - Principe dei ladri [Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, 1991] (David of Doncaster) {ediz. orig. 1991}
     Luka Peros in
          Mine [2016] (ranger)
     Bruce Phillips in
          Il signore degli anelli - Il ritorno del re [The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King, 2003] (Grimbold)
     Neil Pigot in
          The Condemned - L'isola della morte [The Condemned, 2007] (Wade Meranto)
     John Ralston in
          Finché morte non ci separi [Ready or Not, 2019] (Stevens)
     Kevin O. Rankin in
          Sotto assedio - White House Down [White House Down, 2013] (Carl Killick)
     Joe Rogan in
          Il signore dello zoo [Zookeeper, 2011] (Gale)
     Joe Roland in
          La guerra di Charlie Wilson [Charlie Wilson's War, 2007] (McGaffin)
     Ray Romano in
          The Irishman [2019] (Bill Bufalino)
     John Rubano in
          Spirit: cavallo selvaggio [Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, 2002] (soldato)
     Kurt Max Runte in
          Elektra [2005] (Nikolas Natchios)
     Max Ryan in
          USS Indianapolis [USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, 2016] (Ten. Wilbur 'Chuck' Gwinn)
     Thomas Jay Ryan in
          La leggenda di Bagger Vance [The Legend of Bagger Vance, 2000] (Spec Hammond)
     Peter Sands in
          Norma Jean e Marilyn - Due vite un mito [Norma Jean & Marilyn, 1996] (Peter Lawford)
     Frank Schorpion in
          Doppia ipotesi per un delitto [Slow Burn, 2005] (Maybank)
     Paul Schulze in
          Mimic 2 [2001] (Phillip)
     Rufus Sewell in
          The Illusionist [2006] (il principe Leopold)
     Darren Shahlavi in
          Pound of Flesh [2015] (Drake)
     Daniel Stewart Sherman in
          Run All Night - Una notte per sopravvivere [Run All Night, 2015] (Brendan)
     Kai Shishido in
          Thermæ romæ [Terumæ romæ, 2012] (Antonino)
     Douglas Sills in
          Deuce Bigalow - Puttano in saldo [Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo, 2005] (Chadsworth Buckingham III / Ernest Prostinker)
     Tony Sirico in
          Café Society [2016] (Vito) ;
          La ruota delle meraviglie [Wonder Wheel, 2017] (Angelo)
     Brent Skagford in
          Source Code [2011] (George Troxel)
     Rickey Smiley in
          L'amore in valigia [Baggage Claim, 2013] (Calvin)
     Mark Strong in
          Sunshine [2007] (Pinbacker)
      Sway in
          Il giustiziere della notte - Death Wish [Death Wish, 2018] (Sway Calloway)
     Rune Temte in
          Captain Marvel [2019] (Bron-Char)
     Joel Tobeck in
          The Water Horse - La leggenda degli abissi [The Water Horse, 2007] (serg. Walker)
     Yoram Toledano in
          Adam Resurrected [2008] (Tarshish)
     Thomas Tomazewski in
          Ritratto nella memoria [The Proprietor, 1996] (Franck)
     John Emmet Tracy in
          Resta anche domani [If I Stay, 2014] (il chirurgo)
     Vic Trevino in
          Machete [2010] (agente federale collega di Machete)
     Yul Vazquez in
          La regola del gioco [Kill the Messenger, 2014] (Danilo Blandon)
     Frank Walmsley in
          The Lady - L'amore per la libertà [The Lady, 2011] (giornalista della BBC)
     Nicolas Wanczycki in
          L'ufficiale e la spia [J'accuse, 2019] (Foucault)
     David Warshofsky in
          La guerra dei bugiardi [A Bright Shining Lie, 1998] (Terry Pike)
     Myk Watford in
          Le due verità [Forever Mine, 1999] (Rick Martino) ;
          Spider-Man [2002] (poliziotto)
     Gary Weeks in
          Instant Family [2018] (Dirk)
     Ron Yuan in
          The Accountant [2016] (il maestro Pencak Silat)
     Fernando de Felice in
          Apes Revolution - Il pianeta delle scimmie [Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 2014] () .

Potete trovare informazioni aggiuntive riguardo Davide Marzi su:

     Antonio Genna.


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