Gaetano Varcasia |
Ha recitato (1) in:Gladiatori di Roma [2012] (.).Ha doppiato (203):     Birol Ünel in          La sposa turca [Gegen die Wand, 2004] (Cahit Tomruk)      Wayne Allwine in           Chi ha incastrato Roger Rabbit [Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988] (Topolino (orig. Mickey Mouse))      Pavel Andel in           Brucio nel vento [2002] (Kristof)      Curtis Armstrong in           Ray [2004] (Ahmet Ertegun)      Will Arnett in           Mostri contro Alieni [Monsters vs Aliens, 2009] (l'anello mancante) ;           Men in Black 3 [2012] (agente AA)      David Arquette in           Never Die Alone [2004] (Paul) ;           The Darwin Awards [2006] (Harvey)      Raheem Babalola in           American Pie: ancora insieme [American Reunion, 2012] (Deshaun)      Brett Baker in           Il cacciatore di donne [The Frozen Ground, 2013] (Ten. Pat Kasnick)      Dan Bakkedahl in           Observe and Report [2009] (Mark)      Bob Balaban in           Appuntamento a tre [Three to Tango, 1999] (Decker)      Ashraf Barhom in           Coriolanus [2011] (Cassio)      Carlos Belloso in           La Niña santa [2004] (dott. Jano)      Shalva Ben-Moshe in           Terra promessa [Promised Land, 2004] (Igor)      Pierre Berriau in           Pollicino [Le petit poucet, 2001] (il padre)      James Biberi in           Dead Man Down - Il sapore della vendetta [Dead Man Down, 2013] (Ilir)      Moritz Bleibtreu in           L'eletto [Le concile de pierre, 2006] (Serguei Makov)      Magne-Håvard Brekke in           Un amore di gioventù [Un amour de jeunesse, 2011] (Lorenz) ;           Sister [L'enfant d'en haut, 2012] (lo sciatore violento)      D. W. Brown in           Il messaggero [The Haunting in Connecticut, 2009] (dott. Brooks)      Karl Bury in           The Majestic [2001] (Bob Leffert)      Gerard Butler in           Shattered - Gioco mortale [Butterfly on a Wheel, 2007] (Neil Randall)      Paul Calderon in           Pulp Fiction [1994] (Paul)      Bernard Campan in           Il cuore degli uomini [Le cœur des hommes, 2003] (Antoine)      Michael Carmine in           Miracolo sull'8ª Strada [*batteries not included, 1987] (Carlos)      Nicholas Cascone in           La prossima vittima [Eye for an Eye, 1996] (il procuratore distrettuale Howard Bolinger)      Sebastian Cavazza in           Il sentiero [Na putu, 2010] (Dejo)      Nuri Bilge Ceylan in           Il piacere e l'amore [Iklimler, 2006] (Isa)      Justin Chambers in           La terrazza sul lago [Lakeview Terrace, 2008] (Donnie Eaton)      Ken Cheeseman in           Fratelli in erba [Leaves of Grass, 2009] (Jimmy Fuller)      Assi Cohen in           Yossi & Jagger [2002] (Ophir)      Kåre Conradi in           In ordine di sparizione [Kraftidioten, 2014] (Ronaldo - Ronny Amundsen)      Chris Cooper in           Nel paese delle creature selvagge [Where the Wild Things Are, 2009] (Douglas)      Kevin Corrigan in           Strafumati [Pineapple Express, 2008] (Budlofsky)      Liam Cunningham in           Centurion [2010] (Ubricolo detto Brick)      Isaach De Bankolé in           Calvario [Calvary, 2014] (Simon)      Danny DeMiller in           The Town [2010] (il narratore in eskimo)      Jean Dell in           Il mi$$ionario [Le missionnaire, 2009] (il comandante della gendarmeria)      David Dencik in           La talpa [Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, 2011] (Toby Esterhase)      John Diehl in           Un giorno di ordinaria follia [Falling Down, 1993] (padre al golf)      Áron Dimény in           Senza destino [Sorstalanság, 2005] (Bandi Citrom *)      Peter Dinklage in           Funeral Party [Death at a Funeral, 2007] (Peter) ;           Una rete di bugie [A Case of You, 2013] (Gerard)      Jason Douglas in           Machete [2010] (falso poliziotto)      Robert Downey Jr. in           America oggi [Short Cuts, 1993] (Bill Bush)      Stephen Dunham in           La mummia [The Mummy, 1999] (sig. Henderson)      Kevin Durand in           Sono il numero quattro [I Am Number Four, 2011] (il comandante mogadoriano)      Christopher Eccleston in           Fuori in 60 secondi [Gone in Sixty Seconds, 2000] (Raymond Vincent Calitri)      Pascal Elbé in           Il figlio dell'altra [Le fils de l'autre, 2012] (Alon Silberg) ;           Ciliegine [La cerise sur le gâteau, 2012] (Antoine)      Mike Epps in           Something New [2006] (Walter)      Ralph Fiennes in           Skyfall [2012] (Gareth Mallory)      Andrew Fiscella in           Gardener of Eden - Il giustiziere senza legge [Gardener of Eden, 2007] (ag. Bob)      Lewis Fitz-Gerald in           Ragazzi miei [The Boys Are Back, 2009] (Tim Walker)      Dexter Fletcher in           Lock & Stock - Pazzi scatenati [Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, 1998] (Soap)      Ari Folman in           Valzer con Bashir [Vals Im Bashir, 2008] (se stesso)      Samuel Fröler in           Octane [2003] (Marek Wilson)      James Frain in           Trappola criminale [Reindeer Games, 2000] (Nick Cassidy)      Paul Francis in           L'ultima alba [Tears of the Sun, 2003] (Danny 'Doc' Kelley)      Christopher Fulford in           Millions [2004] (il ladro)      Jim Gaffigan in           American Life [Away We Go, 2009] (Lowell)      Jacques Gamblin in           La piccola Lola [Holy Lola, 2004] (dott. Pierre Ceyssac)      John Garvin in           Sanctum [2011] (Jim Sergeant)       Genius/GZA in           Coffee and Cigarettes [2003] (GZA)      Paul Giamatti in           Romeo & Juliet [2013] (frate Lorenzo)      Tyrese Gibson in           Legion [2009] (Kyle Williams)      Richard Goteri in           Setup [2011] (John R)      Romain Goupil in           A mia sorella! [À ma soeur!, 2001] (François Pingot, il padre)      Laurent Grévill in           Così fan tutti [Comme une image, 2004] (Pierre Millet)      Darío Grandinetti in           Storie pazzesche [Relatos salvajes, 2014] (Salgado)      Richard E. Grant in           Dom Hemingway [2013] (Dickie Black)      Clark Gregg in           In Good Company [2004] (Mark Steckle)      Jon Gries in           Ricomincio da zero [Crazy on the Outside, 2010] (Edgar)      Þröstur Leó Gunnarsson in           Nói albinói [Nói albínói, 2003] (Kiddi Beikon)      Jackie Earle Haley in           Shutter Island [2010] (George Noyce) ;           Dark Shadows [2012] (Willie Loomis)      Josh Hamilton in           110 e lode [With Honors, 1994] (Jeffrey Hawks)      John Hannah in           L'ultima legione [The Last Legion, 2007] (Nestor)      Kent Harper in           Surveillance [2008] (ag. Jack Bennett)      Woody Harrelson in           Benvenuti a Zombieland [Zombieland, 2009] (Tallahassee)      Jared Harris in           The Ward - Il reparto [The Ward, 2010] (dott. Gerald Stringer)      John Hawkes in           Un gelido inverno [Winter's Bone, 2010] (Teardrop) ;           La fuga di Martha [Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011] (Patrick)      Sam Hazeldine in           The Raven [2012] (Ivan)      Pat Healy in           L'assassinio di Jesse James per mano del codardo Robert Ford [The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, 2007] (Wilbur Ford)      Yann Hnautra in           The Great Challenge - I figli del vento [Les fils du vent, 2004] (Yann)      Peter Holden in           Il cavaliere oscuro - Il ritorno [The Dark Knight Rises, 2012] (tecnologo)      William Hootkins in           I predatori dell'arca perduta [Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981] (magg. Eaton) {ridopp. 2008}      Jérôme Horry in           11 settembre 2001 [11'09''01 - September 11, 2002] (segm. 2- Francia: uomo)      Arliss Howard in           La mappa del mondo [A Map of the World, 1999] (Paul Reverdy)      L. Ron Hubbard in           Il quinto potere [The Fifth Estate, 2013] (immagini di repertorio)      Tom Hulce in           Fearless - Senza paura [Fearless, 1993] (Brillstein)      Barry Humphries in           Lo Hobbit - Un viaggio inaspettato [The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, 2012] (il Grande Orco)      Toby Huss in           Non dico altro [Enough Said, 2013] (Peter)      Timothy Hutton in           L'ombra del potere - The Good Shepherd [The Good Shepherd, 2006] (Thomas Wilson)      Rhys Ifans in           I Love Radio Rock [The Boat That Rocked, 2009] (Gavin Canavagh)      Zeljko Ivanek in           Argo [2012] (Robert Pender)      Mark Ivanir in           Passioni e desideri [360, 2011] (il boss)      Carl Jadot in           Il ragazzo con la bicicletta [Le gamin au vélo, 2011] (il tutore)      Fraser James in           Accadde in aprile [Sometimes in April, 2005] (Xavier)      Phillip Jarrett in           The Day After Tomorrow - L'alba del giorno dopo [The Day After Tomorrow, 2004] (Campbell)      Richard T. Jones in           In linea con l'assassino [Phone Booth, 2002] (serg. Cole)      David Kendellen in           Doppio gioco [Shadow Dancer, 2012] (Barry DeLavine)      Irrfan Khan in           Il destino nel nome [The Namesake, 2006] (Ashoke) ;           The Millionaire [Slumdog Millionaire, 2008] (ispettore di polizia)      Rahul Khanna in           Il club degli imperatori [The Emperor's Club, 2002] (Deepak Mehta adulto)      Craig Kilborn in           Shaggy Dog - Papà che abbaia... non morde [The Shaggy Dog, 2006] (Baxter)      Taylor Kinney in           Tutte contro lui - The Other Woman [The Other Woman, 2014] (Phil)      Eugene Kohn in           Callas Forever [2002] (Eugene)      Elias Koteas in           Zodiac [2007] (serg. Jack Mulanax)      Peter Krause in           I giochi dei grandi [We Don't Live Here Anymore, 2004] (Hank Evans)      Matthias Kreß in           La chiave di Sara [Elle s'appelait Sarah, 2010] (ufficiale tedesco)      Thomas Kretschmann in           My Father [My Father, Rua Alguem 5555, 2003] (Hermann M.)      Shawn Ku in           Samsara [2001] (Tashi)      Stefan Kurt in           Mein Führer - La veramente vera verità su Adolf Hitler [Mein Führer - Die wirklich wahrste Wahrheit über Adolf Hitler, 2007] (Albert Speer)      David La Haye in           Gioco di donna [Head in the Clouds, 2004] (Lucien)      Jalil Lespert in           Pa-ra-da [2008] (Miloud)      Adrian Lester in           As You Like It [2006] (Oliver De Boys)      Jet Li in           Amici x la morte [Cradle 2 the Grave, 2003] (Su)      Donal Logue in           Se solo fosse vero [Just Like Heaven, 2005] (Jack)      Olivier Loustau in           Cous Cous [La graine et le mulet, 2007] (José)      Jon Lovitz in           Genitori cercasi [North, 1994] (Arthur Belt)      Manuel Lujan in           Lo sciacallo [Nightcrawler, 2014] (il direttore tecnico)      Gabriel Macht in           Una canzone per Bobby Long [A Love Song for Bobby Long, 2004] (Lawson Pines)      Alex Macqueen in           Four Lions [2010] (Malcolm Storge)      Michael Maloney in           The Iron Lady [2011] (medico)      Aasif Mandvi in           Ruby Sparks [2012] (Cyrus Modi)      Alex Manette in           ... e ora parliamo di Kevin [We Need to Talk About Kevin, 2011] (Colin)      Brian Markinson in           Liberty Stands Still [2002] (Rex Perry)      Simon McBurney in           L'ultimo re di Scozia [The Last King of Scotland, 2006] (Nigel Stone)      Ray McKinnon in           Mud [2012] (Senior)      Aitor Merino in           Tu che faresti per amore? [¿Tú qué harías por amor?, 2001] (El Lanas)      Balázs Mihályfi in           Kontroll [2003] (Gonzó)      Mads Mikkelsen in           Le mele di Adamo [Adams æbler, 2005] (Ivan) ;           Dopo il matrimonio [Efter brylluppet, 2006] (Jacob)      Jordi Mollà in           Son de mar [2001] (Ulises)      Hugo Moraga in           Gloria [2013] (Hugo)      David Moreland in           Donnie Darko [2001] (il direttore Cole)      Thierry Neuvic in           Il paradiso degli orchi [Au bonheur des ogres, 2013] (isp. Carrega)      Eduardo Noriega in           Il destino di un guerriero [Alatriste, 2006] (il conte di Guadalmedina)      David O'Hara in           The Departed - Il bene e il male [The Departed, 2006] (Fitzy)      Mike O'Malley in           Dietro i candelabri [Behind the Candelabra, 2013] (Tracy Schnelker)      Leland Orser in           Io vi troverò [Taken, 2008] (Sam) ;           Taken - La vendetta [Taken 2, 2012] (Sam Gilroy)      David Otunga in           The Call [2013] (ag. Jake Devans)      Robert Patrick in           D-Tox [2002] (Noah)      Adam Pena in           The Guardian [2006] (Benjamin Reyes)      Frédéric Pierrot in           Polisse [2011] (Baloo)      Patrick Pineau in           Quello che gli uomini non dicono [Selon Charlie, 2006] (Mathieu)      Laurent Poitrenaux in           La cuoca del presidente [Les saveurs du Palais, 2012] (Jean-Michel Salomé) ;           Quando meno te lo aspetti [Au bout du conte, 2013] (Éric)      Chris Pontius in           Somewhere [2010] (Sammy)      James Purefoy in           John Carter [2012] (Kantos Kan)      Dileep Rao in           Drag Me to Hell [2009] (Rham Jas) ;           Inception [2010] (Yusuf)      Adrian Rawlins in           Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco [Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2005] (James Potter) ;           Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice [Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007] (James Potter) ;           Harry Potter e i doni della morte - Parte II [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011] (James Potter)      Richard Rees in           Omen - Il presagio [The Omen, 2006] (dott. Hugh Greer, lo psichiatra)      Paul Reiser in           Beverly Hills Cop - Un piedipiatti a Beverly Hills [Beverly Hills Cop, 1984] (Jeffrey)      Robin Renucci in           La commedia del potere [L'ivresse du pouvoir, 2006] (Philippe Charmant-Killman)      Francisco Reyes in           Machuca [2004] (Patricio Infante)      Linus Roache in           Best [2000] (Denis Law) ;           Prova a incastrarmi [Find Me Guilty, 2006] (Sean Kierney) ;           Non-Stop [2014] (Cap. David McMillan)      Fabrizio Rongione in           Il matrimonio di Lorna [Le silence de Lorna, 2008] (Fabio)      Mark Rylance in           Blitz [2011] (isp. James Roberts)      Nicholas Sadler in           L'impero del crimine [Mobsters, 1991] (Cane pazzo (orig. Mad Dog Coll))      William Sadler in           Kinsey [2004] (Kenneth Braun)      Casey Sander in           La retata [Dragnet, 1987] (falso poliziotto)      Will Sasso in           Tre all'improvviso [Life as We Know It, 2010] (Josh)      David Schwimmer in           Tre amici un matrimonio e un funerale [The Pallbearer, 1996] (Tom Thompson)      William Shimell in           Amour [2012] (Geoff)      Jeremy Sisto in           Waitress - Ricette d'amore [Waitress, 2007] (Earl Hunterson)      Christian Slater in           L'isola dell'ingiustizia (Alcatraz) [Murder in the First, 1995] (James Stamphill)      Sam Spruell in           The Counselor - Il procuratore [The Counselor, 2013] (Jaime)      Fisher Stevens in           Bella, bionda... e dice sempre sí [The Marrying Man, 1991] (Sammy)      Jon Stewart in           Eliminate Smoochy [Death to Smoochy, 2002] (Marion Frank Stokes)      Ed Stoppard in           Ritorno a Brideshead [Brideshead Revisited, 2008] (Bridey Flyte)      Peter Stormare in           Educazione siberiana [2013] (Ink)      Mark Strong in           Miss Pettigrew [Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, 2008] (Nick Calderelli)      Lew Temple in           Non aprite quella porta. L'inizio [The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, 2006] (lo sceriffo Winston) ;           Lawless [2012] (il vicesceriffo Henry Abshire)      David Tennant in           Fright Night - Il vampiro della porta accanto [Fright Night, 2011] (Peter Vincent)      Thadeus A. Thomas in           Last Days [2005] (venditori di elenchi telefonici)      Tony Todd in           Transformers - La vendetta del Caduto [Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2009] (il decepticon Fallen)      Philippe Torreton in           Body Snatch [Corps à corps, 2003] (Marco Tisserand)      Chung Hua Tou in           Lussuria - Seduzione e tradimento [Se, jie, 2007] (l'anziano Wu)      Shaun Toub in           L'ultimo dominatore dell'aria [The Last Airbender, 2010] (lo zio Iroh)      Hark Tsui in           A Simple Life [Tao jie, 2011] (il regista Tsui)      John Turturro in           Il colore dei soldi [The Color of Money, 1986] (Julian)      Muhammet Uzuner in           Muffa [Küf, 2012] (Murat, il commissario)      Yul Vazquez in           Anamorph - I capolavori del serial killer [Anamorph, 2007] (Jorge 'George' Ruiz)      Zack Ward in           Resident Evil: Apocalypse [2004] (Nicholai Ginovaeff)      Shea Whigham in           Fast & Furious 6 [Furious 6, 2013] (ag. Ben Stasiak)      Michael Wincott in           Il siciliano [The Sicilian, 1987] (cap. Silvestro Canio)      Steve Witting in           Batman - Il ritorno [Batman Returns, 1992] (Josh)      Roschdy Zem in           London River [2009] (negoziante) ;           La fredda luce del giorno [The Cold Light of Day, 2012] (Zahir) ;           La moglie del cuoco [On a failli être amies, 2014] (Sam Drissi)      Xavier de Guillebon in           Le Week-End [2013] (Jean-Pierre Degremont)      Michel Scotto di Carlo in           Il club delle promesse [Au secours, j'ai 30 ans!, 2004] (Alfredo) . |