CGS CIMATTI - Oratorio don Bosco

Big Charlie

Visualizzazione contributi disponibili nella locale base di dati.

Flavio Aquilone

In campo cinematografico

Ha doppiato (347):

     Jake Abel in
          Flash of Genius [2008] (Dennis Kearns a 21 anni)
     Dalmar Abuzeid in
          Pompei [Pompeii, 2014] (Felix)
     Olly Alexander in
          I fantastici viaggi di Gulliver [Gulliver's Travels, 2010] (il principe Augusto)
     Arsher Ali in
          Four Lions [2010] (Hassan)
     Josef Altin in
          La promessa dell'assassino [Eastern Promises, 2007] (Ekrem)
     Dan Amboyer in
          William & Kate - Un amore da favola [William & Catherine: A Royal Romance, 2011] (il principe del Galles William)
     Rares Andrici in
          Un padre una figlia [Bacalaureat, 2016] (Marius)
     Michael Angarano in
          Dear Wendy [2005] (Freddie) ;
          L'arte di cavarsela [The Art of Getting By, 2011] (Dustin)
     Dominic Applewhite in
          Il discorso del re [The King's Speech, 2010] (Valentine Logue)
     Alexander Arnold in
          The Salvation [2014] (Voichek Borowski)
     Scott Arthur in
          Borg McEnroe [Borg vs. McEnroe, 2017] (Peter Fleming)
     Edward Ashley in
          Heart of the Sea - Le origini di Moby Dick [In the Heart of the Sea, 2015] (Barzillai Ray)
     Nathanael Baring in
          10.000 AC [10,000 BC, 2008] (Baku)
     Jay Baruchel in
          Una notte al museo 2: la fuga [Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, 2009] (il marinaio Joey Motorola) ;
          L'apprendista stregone [The Sorcerer's Apprentice, 2010] (Dave Stutler) ;
          Dragon Trainer [How to Train Your Dragon, 2010] (Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III) ;
          Cosmopolis [2012] (Shiner) ;
          Dragon Trainer 2 [How to Train Your Dragon 2, 2014] (Hiccup Haddock) ;
          Dragon Trainer - Il mondo nascosto [How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, 2019] (Hiccup Haddock)
     Hugo Becker in
          Damsels in Distress - Ragazze allo sbando [Damsels in Distress, 2011] (Xavier)
     Drake Bell in
          I tuoi, i miei e i nostri [Yours, Mine and Ours, 2005] (Dylan North)
     James Bentley in
          The Others [2001] (Nicholas Stewart)
     Emile Berling in
          Un sacchetto di biglie [Un sac de billes, 2017] (Raoul Mancelier)
     Mike Birbiglia in
          Colpa delle stelle [The Fault in Our Stars, 2014] (Patrick)
     Nahuel Pérez Biscayart in
          120 battiti al minuto [120 battements par minute, 2017] (Sean Dalmazo)
     Jamie Blackley in
          Resta anche domani [If I Stay, 2014] (Adam Wilde)
     Matthew Bomer in
          I magnifici sette [The Magnificent Seven, 2016] (Matthew Cullen)
     Diego Boneta in
          Rock of Ages [2012] (Drew Boley) ;
          Terminator - Destino oscuro [Terminator: Dark Fate, 2019] (Diego Ramos)
     Douglas Booth in
          LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico [LOL, 2012] (Kyle) ;
          Jupiter - Il destino dell'universo [Jupiter Ascending, 2015] (Titus Abrasax) ;
          Loving Vincent [2017] (Armand Roulin)
     Devon Bostick in
          Diario di una schiappa [Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 2010] (Rodrick Heffley) ;
          Diario di una schiappa 2 - La legge dei più grandi [Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, 2011] (Rodrick Heffley) ;
          Diario di una schiappa 2 - La legge dei più grandi [Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, 2011] (Rodrick Heffley) ;
          Diario di una schiappa - Vita da cani [Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, 2012] (Rodrick Heffley) ;
          Regression [Regresión, 2015] (Roy Gray)
     Bastien Bouillon in
          Gli infedeli [Les infidèles, 2012] (Valentin)
     Pierre Boulanger in
          Monte Carlo [2011] (Theo)
     Cameron Bowen in
          Mystic River [2003] (Dave da ragazzino)
     John Boyega in
          Detroit [2017] (Melvin Dismukes)
     Nicholas Braun in
          Vicini del terzo tipo [The Watch, 2012] (Jason)
     Spencer Breslin in
          Faccia a faccia [The Kid, 2000] (Rusty Duritz) ;
          Che fine ha fatto Santa Clause? [The Santa Clause 2, 2002] (Curtis, l'elfo sperimentale)
     Stephon Bron in
          Moonlight [2016] (Travis)
     Justin Randell Brooke in
          The Founder [2016] (Fred Turner)
     Paul Campbell in
          Un anno da leoni [The Big Year, 2011] (Tony Preissler)
     Josh Caras in
          Il mio sogno più grande [Gracie, 2007] (Peter Wicker)
     David Castañeda in
          Soldado [Sicario: Day of the Soldado, 2018] (Hector)
     Diego Cataño in
          Le belve [Savages, 2012] (Esteban)
     Alan Chávez in
          La zona [2007] (Miguel)
     Joe Claflin in
          Impero criminale [The Corrupted, 2019] (Sean McDonagh)
     Spencer Treat Clark in
          Unbreakable - Il predestinato [Unbreakable, 2000] (Joseph Dunn)
     Emory Cohen in
          Come un tuono [The Place Beyond the Pines, 2012] (AJ)
     Brady Corbet in
          Giovani si diventa [While We're Young, 2014] (Kent)
     Lee Cormie in
          Al calare delle tenebre [Darkness Falls, 2003] (Michael Greene)
     Ryan Corr in
          Nel paese delle creature selvagge [Where the Wild Things Are, 2009] (amico di Claire)
     Chace Crawford in
          Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding [2011] (Cole)
     Rory Culkin in
          Signs [2002] (Morgan Hess)
     Paul Dano in
          Innocenti bugie [Knight and Day, 2010] (Simon Feck)
     Brett Davern in
          Love and Mercy [Love & Mercy, 2014] (Carl Wilson)
     Richard Davies in
          Giotto - L'amico dei pinguini [Oddball, 2015] (Jack Jones)
     Dane DeHaan in
          Lawless [2012] (Cricket Pate) ;
          Chronicle [2012] (Andrew Detmer) ;
          Devil's Knot - Fino a prova contraria [Devil's Knot, 2013] (Chris Morgan) ;
          Giovani ribelli [Kill Your Darlings, 2013] (Lucien Carr) ;
          The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Il potere di Electro [The Amazing Spider-Man 2, 2014] (Harry Osborn / Green Goblin) ;
          La cura dal benessere [A Cure for Wellness, 2016] (Lockhart)
     Mehdi Dehbi in
          Il figlio dell'altra [Le fils de l'autre, 2012] (Yacine Al Bezaaz) ;
          La spia - A Most Wanted Man [A Most Wanted Man, 2014] (Jamal Abdullah)
     Ivan Dobronravov in
          Il ritorno [Vozvrashcheniye, 2003] (Ivan)
     Quentin Dolmaire in
          Quello che so di lei [Sage femme, 2017] (Simon)
     César Domboy in
          The Walk [2015] (Jeff)
     Brendan Dooling in
          Demolition - Amare e vivere [Demolition, 2015] (Todd)
     Shawn Dou in
          Skyfire [2019] (Zhengnan Xiao)
     Arthur Dupont in
          La cuoca del presidente [Les saveurs du Palais, 2012] (Nicolas Bauvois) ;
          Quando meno te lo aspetti [Au bout du conte, 2013] (Sandro)
     Biel Durán in
          Salvador - 26 anni contro [Salvador (Puig Antich), 2006] (José Luis Pons detto Queso)
     Harry Eden in
          Oliver Twist [2005] (Artful Dodger)
     Zac Efron in
          High School Musical [2006] (Troy Bolton) ;
          High School Musical 2 [2007] (Troy Bolton) ;
          High School Musical 3: Senior Year [2008] (Troy Bolton) ;
          17 Again - Ritorno al liceo [17 Again, 2009] (Mike O'Donnell a 17 anni) ;
          Segui il tuo cuore [Charlie St. Cloud, 2010] (Charlie St. Cloud) ;
          Capodanno a New York [New Year's Eve, 2011] (Paul) ;
          Quel momento imbarazzante [That Awkward Moment, 2014] (Jason) ;
          Nonno scatenato [Dirty Grandpa, 2016] (Jason Kelly) ;
          Mike & Dave - Un matrimonio da sballo [Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, 2016] (David 'Dave' Stangle) ;
          Baywatch [2017] (Matt Brody) ;
          The Disaster Artist [2017] (Dan Janjigian / 'Chris-R') ;
          The Greatest Showman [2017] (Phillip Carlyle)
     Alden Ehrenreich in
          Beautiful Creatures - La sedicesima luna [Beautiful Creatures, 2013] (Ethan Lawson Wate)
     Ansel Elgort in
          Divergent [2014] (Caleb Prior) ;
          The Divergent Series - Insurgent [Insurgent, 2015] (Caleb Prior) ;
          The Divergent Series: Allegiant [Allegiant, 2016] (Caleb Prior)
     Tokala Black Elk in
          I segreti di Wind River [Wind River, 2017] (Sam Littlefeather)
     Evan Ellingson in
          La custode di mia sorella [My Sister's Keeper, 2009] (Jesse Fitzgerald)
     Michael Esper in
          Runner Runner [2013] (Billy 'Pet' Petricoff)
     Francesco Falchetto in
          Sonetàula [2007] (Zuanne Malune / Sonetàula)
     Tom Felton in
          Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale [Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 2001] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e la camera dei segreti [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco [Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2005] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice [Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2007] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue [Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 2009] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          In viaggio con una rock star [Get Him to the Greek, 2010] (se stesso) ;
          Harry Potter e i doni della morte - Parte I [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, 2010] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          Harry Potter e i doni della morte - Parte II [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, 2011] (Draco Malfoy) ;
          L'alba del pianeta delle scimmie [Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 2011] (Dodge Landon) ;
          La ragazza del dipinto [Belle, 2013] (James Ashford) ;
          Risorto [Risen, 2016] (Lucio)
     Cameron Finley in
          Se cucini ti sposo [Time Share, 2000] (Max Weiland)
     Jon Foo in
          Tekken [2010] (Jin Kazama)
     Nolan Gerard Funk in
          Riddick [2013] (Luna) ;
          The Canyons [2013] (Ryan)
     Sandor Funtek in
          Nico, 1988 [2017] (Ari)
     Íñigo Garcés in
          La spina del diavolo [El espinazo del diablo, 2001] (Jaime)
     Rafi Gavron in
          Inkheart - La leggenda di Cuore d'Inchiostro [Inkheart, 2008] (Farid) ;
          La fredda luce del giorno [The Cold Light of Day, 2012] (Josh Shaw) ;
          Snitch - L'infiltrato [Snitch, 2013] (Jason Collins) ;
          Tracers [2015] (Dylan)
     Joey Gaydos Jr. in
          School of Rock [The School of Rock, 2003] (Zack Mooneyham)
     Harrison Gilbertson in
          Need for Speed [2014] (Little Pete) ;
          Fallen [2016] (Cameron 'Cam' Briel) ;
          Upgrade [2018] (Eron Keen)
     Nicolas Giraud in
          Fritz il gatto [Fritz the Cat, 1972] () ;
          Adèle e l'enigma del faraone [Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec, 2010] (Andrej Zborowski)
     Michael Goldsmith in
          Irrational Man [2015] (amico di April)
     Rick Gonzalez in
          Roll Bounce [2005] (Naps)
     Rupert Grint in
          Prigionieri del ghiaccio [Into the White, 2012] (Robert Smith)
     Soufiane Guerrab in
          Paulette [2012] (Zak)
     Stefan Gumbs in
          Il mio amico Eric [Looking for Eric, 2009] (Jess)
     Lukas Haas in
          Lincoln [2012] (soldato bianco)
     Misha Gabriel Hamilton in
          Step Up 4 Revolution [Step Up Revolution, 2012] (Eddy) ;
          Step Up All In [2014] (Eddy)
     Matthew Harbour in
          Equilibrium [2002] (Robbie Preston)
     Jamie Harding in
          O' Jerusalem [O Jerusalem, 2006] (Amin Chahine)
     James Harkness in
          Macbeth [2015] (Angus)
     Robert Hayes in
          American Pie: ancora insieme [American Reunion, 2012] (Bo)
     Bryan Hearne in
          Hardball [Hard Ball, 2001] (Andre Ray Peetes)
     Josh Helman in
          Jack Reacher - La prova decisiva [Jack Reacher, 2012] (Jeb)
     Liam Hemsworth in
          Hunger Games [The Hunger Games, 2012] (Gale Hawthorne) ;
          Hunger Games: la ragazza di fuoco [The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, 2013] (Gale Hawthorne) ;
          Hunger Games: il canto della rivolta - Parte 1 [The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, 2014] (Gale Hawthorne) ;
          Hunger Games: Il canto della rivolta - Parte 2 [The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, 2015] (Gale Hawthorne)
     Arif Herati in
          Osama [2003] (Espandi)
     Tyler Hoechlin in
          Era mio padre [Road To Perdition, 2002] (Michael Sullivan junior)
     Louis Hofmann in
          Land of Mine - Sotto la sabbia [Under sandet, 2015] (Sebastian Schumann)
     Henry Hopper in
          L'amore che resta [Restless, 2011] (Enoch Brae)
     Nicholas Hoult in
          Warm Bodies [2013] (R) ;
          Dark Places - Nei luoghi oscuri [Dark Places, 2015] (Lyle Wirth) ;
          Mad Max - Fury Road [Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015] (Nux) ;
          Autobahn - Fuori controllo [Collide, 2016] (Casey Stein)
     Billy Howle in
          L'altra metà della storia [The Sense of an Ending, 2017] (Tony, da giovane)
     Ludovic Hughes in
          Ride [2018] (Kyle Robertson)
     Tom Hughes in
          Red Joan [2018] (Leo Galich)
     Nils Hugon in
          Figlio di 2 madri [Comédie de l'innocence, 2000] (Camille) ;
          Pollicino [Le petit poucet, 2001] (Pollicino (orig. Poucet))
     Jumayn Hunter in
          Quartet [2012] (Joey)
     Josh Hutcherson in
          Viaggio al centro della Terra 3D [Journey to the Center of the Earth, 2008] (Sean Anderson) ;
          Viaggio nell'isola misteriosa [Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, 2012] (Sean Anderson) ;
          7 Days in Havana [7 días en La Habana, 2012] (Teddy Atkins)
     Paul Iacono in
          Fame - Saranno famosi [Fame, 2009] (Neil Baczynsky)
     Taichi Inoue in
          Il fascino indiscreto dell'amore [Tokyo Fiancée, 2014] (Rinri)
     Stephan James in
          Race - Il colore della vittoria [Race, 2016] (Jesse Owens) ;
          Se la strada potesse parlare [If Beale Street Could Talk, 2018] (Alonzo 'Fonny' Hunt)
     Carter Jenkins in
          Alieni in soffitta [Aliens in the Attic, 2009] (Tom Pearson) ;
          Appuntamento con l'amore [Valentine's Day, 2010] (Alex)
     Aaron Johnson in
          2 cavalieri a Londra [Shanghai Knights, 2003] (Charlie Chaplin) ;
          I segreti della mente [Chatroom, 2010] (William) ;
          Avengers - Age of Ultron [Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015] (Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver)
     Keean Johnson in
          Alita - Angelo della battaglia [Alita: Battle Angel, 2019] (Hugo)
     Joe Jonas in
          Camp Rock [2008] (Shane Gray)
     Nick Jonas in
          Jumanji - Benvenuti nella giungla [Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, 2017] (Jefferson 'Seaplane' McDonough (orig. Alex)) ;
          Jumanji - The Next Level [Jumanji: The Next Level, 2019] (Jefferson 'Seaplane' McDonough)
     Angus T. Jones in
          Spot [See Spot Run, 2001] (James)
     Caleb Landry Jones in
          X-Men - L'inizio [X-Men: First Class, 2011] (Sean Cassidy / Banshee) ;
          Contraband [2012] (Andy) ;
          Tre manifesti a Ebbing, Missouri [Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, 2017] (Red Welby) ;
          Scappa - Get Out [Get Out, 2017] (Jeremy Armitage) ;
          I morti non muoiono [The Dead Don't Die, 2019] (Bobby Wiggins)
     Toby Kebbell in
          War Horse [2011] (soldato Geordie)
     Luke Kleintank in
          Midway [2019] (Clarence Earle Dickinson)
     Beau Knapp in
          The Signal [2014] (Jonah)
     Kagiso Kuypers in
          Blood Diamond - Diamanti di sangue [Blood Diamond, 2006] (DIA)
     Ryan Kwanten in
          Il regno di Ga'Hoole - La leggenda dei guardiani [Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, 2010] (Kludd)
     Shia LaBeouf in
          Surf's Up - I re delle onde [Surf's Up, 2007] (Cody Maverick)
     Vincent Lacoste in
          Quel giorno d'estate [Amanda, 2018] (David)
     Adrián Lamana in
          Il cavaliere del Santo Graal [El Capitán Trueno y el Santo Grial, 2011] (Crispín)
     Logan Lerman in
          Quel treno per Yuma [3:10 to Yuma, 2007] (William Evans) ;
          Gamer [2009] (Simon Silverton) ;
          Percy Jackson & gli dei dell'Olimpo - Il ladro di fulmini [Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, 2010] (Percy Jackson) ;
          Percy Jackson e gli dei dell'Olimpo - Il mare dei mostri [Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, 2013] (Percy Jackson) ;
          Noah [2014] (Cam)
     Bubba Lewis in
          Bobby Jones - Il genio del golf [Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius, 2004] (Bobby, a 14 anni)
     Jonathan Lipnicki in
          Stuart Little 2 [2002] (George Little)
     Alexander Ludwig in
          Lone Survivor [2013] (Shane Patton)
     Diego Luna in
          Flatliners - Linea mortale [Flatliners, 2017] (Ray)
     Craig Lundberg in
          L'altra verità [Route Irish, 2010] (Craig)
     George MacKay in
          Pride [2014] (Joe Copper)
     Billy Magnussen in
          Il ponte delle spie [Bridge of Spies, 2015] (Doug Forrester)
     Rami Malek in
          Dolittle [2020] (Chee-Chee, il gorilla)
     Gabriel Malema in
          Paura primordiale [Primeval, 2007] (Jojo)
     Eli Marienthal in
          American Pie - Il primo assaggio non si scorda mai [American Pie, 1999] (il fratellino di Stifler)
     Chris Marquette in
          Just Friends (Solo amici) [Just Friends, 2005] (Mike Brander)
     K. C. Martel in
          E.T. - L'Extra-Terrestre [E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, 1982] (Greg) {DVD}
     Eddy Martin in
          Hansel e Gretel e la strega della foresta nera [Hansel & Gretel Get Baked, 2013] (Manny)
     Patrick Martin in
          Starbuck - 533 figli e... non saperlo! [Starbuck, 2011] (Étienne)
     Egon Di Mateo in
          Il ragazzo con la bicicletta [Le gamin au vélo, 2011] (Wes)
     Jean-Baptiste Maunier in
          Les choristes - I ragazzi del coro [Les Choristes, 2004] (Pierre Morhange)
     Callan McAuliffe in
          Sono il numero quattro [I Am Number Four, 2011] (Sam) ;
          Il grande Gatsby [The Great Gatsby, 2013] (Gatsby da ragazzo)
     Lewis McGibbon in
          Millions [2004] (Anthony)
     Joshua McGuire in
          Turner [Mr. Turner, 2014] (John Ruskin)
     Danny McKinnon in
          Barbie Raperonzolo [Barbie as Rapunzel, 2002] (Tommy)
     Louka Meliava in
          La bella e la bestia [La belle et la bête, 2014] (Tristan)
     Ryan Merriman in
          Lansky - Un cervello al servizio della mafia [Lansky, 1999] (Meyer Lansky, a 12-14 anni) {orig.}
     Francisco Miguez in
          Le migliori cose del mondo [Melhores Coisas do Mundo, As, 2010] (Hermano 'Mano')
     Adam Scott Miller in
          USS Indianapolis [USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage, 2016] (D'Antonio)
     Ezra Miller in
          City Island [2009] (Vince Jr.) ;
          ... e ora parliamo di Kevin [We Need to Talk About Kevin, 2011] (Kevin da ragazzo) ;
          Noi siamo infinito [The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2012] (Patrick) ;
          Suicide Squad [2016] (Barry Allen / The Flash)
     Jake Miller in
          Paranoid Park [2007] (Jared)
     Dylan Minnette in
          Prisoners [2013] (Ralph Dover)
     Carlos Miranda in
          Warrior [2011] (Tito)
     Jason Mitchell in
          Straight Outta Compton [2015] (Eazy-E)
     Geordy Monfils in
          Cacciatore di teste [Le Couperet, 2005] (Maxime Davert)
     Elijah Moreland in
          Before We Go [2014] (Cole)
     Trevor Morgan in
          Prigione di vetro [The Glass House, 2001] (Rhett Baker)
     Simon Morzé in
          Il tabaccaio di Vienna [Der Trafikant, 2018] (Franz Huchel)
     William Moseley in
          Le cronache di Narnia: il Leone, la Strega e l'Armadio [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 2005] (Peter Pevensie) ;
          Le cronache di Narnia: il principe Caspian [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, 2008] (Peter Pevensie) ;
          Le cronache di Narnia: il viaggio del veliero [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 2010] (Peter Pevensie)
     Marcell Nagy in
          Senza destino [Sorstalanság, 2005] (György Köves)
     Harry Newell in
          Peter Pan [2003] (John Darling)
     Pierre Niney in
          Emotivi anonimi [Les émotifs anonymes, 2010] (Ludo)
     Pierre Nisse in
          La religiosa [La religieuse, 2013] (il marchese di Croismare)
     Josh O'Connor in
          Emma. [2020] (sig. Elton)
     Brian J. O'Donnell in
          Contagion [2011] (Andrew)
     Matt O'Leary in
          Die Hard - Vivere o morire [Live Free or Die Hard, 2007] (Clay)
     Tony Oller in
          La notte del giudizio [The Purge, 2013] (Henry)
     Hunter Parrish in
          È complicato [It's Complicated, 2009] (Luke Adler)
     Christos Passalis in
          Dogtooth [Kynodontas, 2009] (il figlio)
     Dev Patel in
          The Millionaire [Slumdog Millionaire, 2008] (Jamal K. Malik) ;
          Ritorno al Marigold Hotel [The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, 2015] (Sonny Kapoor) ;
          Humandroid [Chappie, 2015] (Deon Wilson) ;
          L'uomo che vide l'infinito [The Man Who Knew Infinity, 2015] (Srinivasa Ramanujan) ;
          Lion - La strada verso casa [Lion, 2016] (Saroo Brierley) ;
          Attacco a Mumbai - Una vera storia di coraggio [Hotel Mumbai, 2018] (Arjun) ;
          La vita straordinaria di David Copperfield [The Personal History of David Copperfield, 2019] (David Copperfield)
     Jimmy 'Jax' Pinchak in
          Ender's Game [2013] (Peter Wiggin)
     Joel Pitts in
          Il quarto angelo [The Fourth Angel, 2001] (Andrew Elgin)
     Tim Pocock in
          X-Men Le origini: Wolverine [X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 2009] (Scott Summers / Cyclops)
     Sergey Pokhodaev in
          Leviathan [Leviafan, 2014] (Roman (orig. Romka))
     Alexander Pollock in
          Come cani & gatti [Cats & Dogs, 2001] (Scotty Brody)
     Tyler Posey in
          Un amore a 5 stelle [Maid in Manhattan, 2002] (Ty Ventura) ;
          Obbligo o verità [Truth or Dare, 2018] (Lucas Moreno)
     Glen Powell Jr. in
          Come far perdere la testa al capo [Set It Up, 2018] (Charlie)
     Uwe Preuss in
          Lettere da Berlino [Alone in Berlin, 2016] (Persicke)
     Augustus Prew in
          Moonacre - I segreti dell'ultima luna [The Secret of Moonacre, 2008] (Robin De Noir)
     Lou Taylor Pucci in
          The Horsemen [Horsemen, 2009] (Alex Breslin)
     Junjie Qin in
          La città proibita [Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia, 2006] (il principe Cheng (orig. Yu))
     Jack Quaid in
          La truffa dei Logan [Logan Lucky, 2017] (Fish Bang)
     Pedro Queiroz in
          Aquarius [2016] (Tomás)
     Robby Rasmussen in
          The Best of Me - Il meglio di me [The Best of Me, 2014] (Bobby Cole)
     Eddie Redmayne in
          The Danish Girl [2015] (Einar Wegener / Lili Elbe)
     Jack Reynor in
          Transformers 4 - L'era dell'estinzione [Transformers: Age of Extinction, 2014] (Shane Dyson) ;
          Sing Street [2016] (Brendan)
     Micheál Richardson in
          Vox Lux [2018] (il musicista)
     Jason Ritter in
          Love Shooting [The Deal, 2008] (Lionel Travitz)
     Craig Roberts in
          Red Lights [2012] (Ben)
     Wes Robinson in
          Blair Witch [2016] (Lane)
     Lil' Romeo in
          Honey [2003] (Benny)
     Nick Roud in
          Neverland - Un sogno per la vita [Finding Neverland, 2004] (George Llewelyn Davies)
     Adrien Ruiz in
          Troppo amici [Tellement proches, 2009] (imputato)
     Daryl Sabara in
          Spy Kids [2001] (Juni Cortez) ;
          Spy Kids 2 - L'isola dei sogni perduti [Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams, 2002] (Juni Cortez) ;
          Spy Kids - Missione 3-D: Game Over [Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, 2003] (Juni Cortez) ;
          Halloween - The Beginning [Halloween, 2007] (Wesley Rhoades) ;
          Machete [2010] (Julio) ;
          John Carter [2012] (Edgar Rice Burroughs)
     Thomas Sangster in
          Bright Star [2009] (Samuel)
     Christian Scheider in
          Words and Pictures [2013] (Tony)
     Kevin Schmidt in
          Una scatenata dozzina [Cheaper by the Dozen, 2003] (Henry Baker (as Kevin G. Schmidt)) ;
          Il ritorno della scatenata dozzina [Cheaper by the Dozen 2, 2005] (Henry Baker)
     Ben Schnetzer in
          Storia di una ladra di libri [The Book Thief, 2013] (Max Vandenburg) ;
          Snowden [2016] (Gabriel Sol)
     Matthias Schweighöfer in
          Operazione Valchiria [Valkyrie, 2008] (Ten. Herber)
     Fabio Seyding in
          Lezioni di sogni [Der ganz große Traum, 2011] (Hans)
     Alex Shaffer in
          Mosse vincenti [Win Win, 2011] (Kyle Timmons)
     Kunal Sharma in
          I ragazzi stanno bene [The Kids Are All Right, 2010] (Jai)
     Robert Sheehan in
          L'ultimo dei templari [Season of the Witch, 2011] (Kay von Wollenbarth) ;
          Shadowhunters - Città di ossa [The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, 2013] (Simon Lewis) ;
          Anita B. [2014] (Eli)
     Ed Sheeran in
          Bridget Jones's Baby [2016] (se stesso)
     Johnny Simmons in
          Jennifer's Body [2009] (Chip Dove) ;
          Hotel bau [Hotel for Dogs, 2009] (Dave)
     Andrew Simpson in
          Diario di uno scandalo [Notes on a Scandal, 2006] (Steven Connolly)
     Douglas Smith in
          Miss Sloane - Giochi di potere [Miss Sloane, 2016] (Alex)
     Jacob Smith in
          Il segno della libellula - Dragonfly [Dragonfly, 2002] (Ben)
     Jussie Smollett in
          Alien: Covenant [2017] (Ricks)
     Thomas Solivéres in
          Quasi amici [Intouchables, 2011] (Bastien)
     Keith Stallworth in
          Step Up 3D [2010] (Jacob)
     Zak Steiner in
          The Perfect Date [2019] (Reece)
     Artyom Strelnikov in
          Last Resort [2000] (Artyom)
     Erik Per Sullivan in
          L'amore infedele [Unfaithful, 2002] (Charlie Sumner)
     Anne Suzuki in
          Steamboy [Suchîmubôi, 2004] (James Ray Steam)
     Daniel Tay in
          Elf [2003] (Michael)
     Robin Lord Taylor in
          Fredda è la notte [Cold Comes the Night, 2013] (Quincy)
     Miles Teller in
          APPuntamento con l'@more [Two Night Stand, 2014] (Alec) ;
          Fantastic Four - I Fantastici Quattro [Fantastic Four, 2015] (Reed Richards / Mr. Fantastic) ;
          Trafficanti [War Dogs, 2016] (David Packouz)
     Scott Terra in
          Arac Attack - Mostri a otto zampe [Eight Legged Freaks, 2002] (Mike Parker)
     Devon Terrell in
          Ofelia - Amore e morte [Ophelia, 2018] (Orazio)
     Max Thieriot in
          Missione tata [The Pacifier, 2005] (Seth Plummer) ;
          Nancy Drew [2007] (Ned Nickerson) ;
          Chloe - Tra seduzione e inganno [Chloe, 2009] (Michael Stewart) ;
          Disconnect [2012] (Kyle)
     Jake Thomas in
          A.I. - Intelligenza Artificiale [A.I. Artificial Intelligence, 2001] (Martin)
     Miles Thompson in
          Me and You and Everyone We Know [2005] (Peter Swersey)
     Brenton Thwaites in
          Pirati dei Caraibi - La vendetta di Salazar [Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, 2017] (Henry Turner)
     Sebastian Urzendowsky in
          The Way Back [2010] (Kazik) ;
          Un amore di gioventù [Un amour de jeunesse, 2011] (Sullivan)
     Brandon Wahlberg in
          Boston - Caccia all'uomo [Patriots Day, 2016] (ag. Travis Dixon)
     Baoqiang Wang in
          Il tocco del peccato [Tian zhu ding, 2013] (Zhou San)
     Morgan Watkins in
          Kingsman - Secret Service [Kingsman: The Secret Service, 2014] (Rottweiler)
     Bronson Webb in
          Robin Hood [2010] (Jimoen)
     Nick Westrate in
          Dove eravamo rimasti [Ricki and the Flash, 2015] (Adam)
     Ed Westwick in
          Complicità e sospetti [Breaking and Entering, 2006] (Zoran)
     Tristan Wilds in
          La vita segreta delle api [The Secret Life of Bees, 2008] (Zach Taylor)
     Pharrell Williams in
          In viaggio con una rock star [Get Him to the Greek, 2010] (se stesso)
     Tyler James Williams in
          Mi sono perso il Natale [Unaccompanied Minors, 2006] (Charlie Goldfinch)
     Nat Wolff in
          Stuck in Love [2012] (Rusty Borgens) ;
          Comportamenti molto... cattivi! [Behaving Badly, 2014] (Rick Stevens)
     Zach Woods in
          Ghostbusters [2016] (Garrett, la guida turistica)
     Anton Yelchin in
          A Time for Dancing [2000] (Jackson Michaels) ;
          Cuori in Atlantide [Hearts in Atlantis, 2001] (Robert 'Bobby' Garfield) ;
          Alpha Dog [2006] (Zack Mazursky) ;
          Terminator Salvation [2009] (Kyle Reese) ;
          Mr. Beaver [The Beaver, 2011] (Porter Black) ;
          Fright Night - Il vampiro della porta accanto [Fright Night, 2011] (Charley Brewster) ;
          Solo gli amanti sopravvivono [Only Lovers Left Alive, 2013] (Ian) ;
          Sotterrando la mia ex [Burying the Ex, 2014] (Max)
      Zahed in
          Piccoli ladri [Sag-haye velgard, 2004] (Zahed)
     Josh Zuckerman in
          Sex Movie in 4D [Sex Drive, 2008] (Ian Lafferty) .

Potete trovare informazioni aggiuntive riguardo Flavio Aquilone su:

     Antonio Genna, Wikipedia.


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