Emiliano Coltorti |
Ha recitato (6) in:Figli del destino [2019] (Augusto Cava);Winx Club 3D: Magica avventura [2010] (Riven); Winx club - Il segreto del regno perduto [2007] (Riven); La notte breve [2005] (Fausto); Ovunque sei [2004] (Giovanni); Un viaggio chiamato amore [2002] (Sebastiano). Ha doppiato (295):     Riz Ahmed in          Rogue One - A Star Wars Story [Rogue One, 2016] (Bodhi Rook)      Ben Aldridge in           Bussano alla porta [Knock at the Cabin, 2023] (Andrew)      Laz Alonso in           Jumping the Broom - Amore e altri guai [Jumping the Broom, 2011] (Jason Taylor)      Alberto Amarilla in           Imago mortis [2009] (Bruno)      Hideaki Anno in           Si alza il vento [Kaze tachinu, 2013] (Jirô Horikoshi)      Geoffrey Arend in           Devil [2010] (Vince McCarthy, il venditore)      Eric Balfour in           The Horsemen [Horsemen, 2009] (Taylor)      Ben Barnes in           Le cronache di Narnia: il principe Caspian [The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, 2008] (il principe Caspian) ;           Le cronache di Narnia: il viaggio del veliero [The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 2010] (il principe Caspian) ;           The Words [2012] (il giovane) ;           Big Wedding [The Big Wedding, 2013] (Alejandro) ;           Il settimo figlio [Seventh Son, 2014] (Tom Ward) ;           Jackie & Ryan [2014] (Ryan)      Samuel Barnett in           The History Boys [2006] (Posner)      Gael García Bernal in           Il crimine di padre Amaro [El crimen del padre Amaro, 2002] (padre Amaro) ;           La mala educación [2004] (Ángel/Juan/Zahara) ;           Babel [2006] (Santiago) ;           Blindness - Cecità [Blindness, 2008] (barista / il re della terza corsia) ;           Coco [2017] (Héctor Rivera) ;           Old [2021] (Guy)      Satya Bhabha in           I figli della mezzanotte [Midnight's Children, 2012] (Saleem Sinai adulto)      Jamie Blackley in           Irrational Man [2015] (Roy)      Matthieu Boujenah in           Troppo amici [Tellement proches, 2009] (Lucien adulto)      Jesse Bradford in           Flags of Our Fathers [2006] (Rene Gagnon)      Nuno Branco in           Ave, Cesare! [Hail, Caesar!, 2016] (Todd)      Russell Brand in           Arturo [Arthur, 2011] (Arthur Bach) ;           Rock of Ages [2012] (Lonny Barnett) ;           Trolls [2016] (Creek)      Jay Brannan in           Shortbus - Dove tutto è permesso [Shortbus, 2006] (Ceth)      Joey Brooks in           Molly's Game [2017] (Eli)      John Candy in           Un plotone di svitati [Stripes, 1981] (Dewey 'Ox' Oxburger) {DVD}      Marcus Chait in           Million Dollar Baby [2004] (J.D. Fitzgerald)      Olivier Chantreau in           Colpo d'amore [The Love Punch, 2013] (Jean-Baptiste Durain)      Justin Chatwin in           CHIPS [2017] (Raymond Reed Kurtz Jr.)      Tiger Hu Chen in           Man of Tai Chi [2013] (Tiger Chen Lin Hu)      Louis-Ronan Choisy in           Il rifugio [Le refuge, 2009] (Paul)      Sam Claflin in           Le origini del male [The Quiet Ones, 2014] (Brian McNeil) ;           1918 - I giorni del coraggio [Journey's End, 2017] (Cap. Stanhope)      Joshua Close in           14 anni vergine [Full of It, 2007] (Kyle Plunkett)      Emory Cohen in           Brooklyn [2015] (Anthony 'Tony' Fiorello)      Christian Cooke in           Romeo & Juliet [2013] (Mercuzio)      Brady Corbet in           La fuga di Martha [Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011] (Watts)      James Corden in           I tre moschettieri [The Three Musketeers, 2011] (Planchet)      Jan Cornet in           La pelle che abito [La piel que habito, 2011] (Vicente) ;           Risorto [Risen, 2016] (Tommaso / Didimo)      Kevin Corrigan in           Certamente, forse [Definitely, Maybe, 2008] (Simon)      D. J. Cotrona in           Venom [2005] (Sean)      Matt Dallas in           Wyatt Earp - La leggenda [Wyatt Earp's Revenge, 2012] (Bat Masterson)      Paul Dano in           Il petroliere [There Will Be Blood, 2007] (Paul Sunday / Eli Sunday) ;           Cowboys & Aliens [Cowboys & Aliens, 2011] (Percy Dolarhyde) ;           Being Flynn [2012] (Nick Flynn) ;           Prisoners [2013] (Alex Jones) ;           12 anni schiavo [12 Years a Slave, 2013] (John Tibeats) ;           The Fabelmans [2022] (Burt Fabelman)      John Arthur Day in           88 minuti [88 Minutes, 2007] ()      Martin Delaney in           Zero Dark Thirty [2012] (assistente al Consigliere per la Sicurezza Nazionale)      Xavier Dolan in           7 sconosciuti a El Royale [Bad Times at the El Royale, 2018] (Buddy Sunday)      Cameron Douglas in           Vizio di famiglia [It Runs in the Family, 2003] (Asher Gromberg)      Danny Dyer in           Human Traffic [1999] (Moff)      Christopher Egan in           Decameron Pie [Virgin Territory, 2007] (Dioneo)      Jesse Eisenberg in           The Hunting Party [2007] (Benjamin Strauss)      Ouassini Embarek in           Triplo gioco [The Good Thief, 2002] (Said)      Noah Emmerich in           Windtalkers [2002] (soldato Chick)      Edvin Endre in           Eddie the Eagle - Il coraggio della follia [Eddie the Eagle, 2015] (Matti Nykänen)      Will Estes in           U-571 [2000] (il marinaio Ronald 'Rabbit' Parker, addetto ai siluri)      Rupert Evans in           Hellboy [2004] (John Myers)      Arnas Fedaravicius in           Educazione siberiana [2013] (Kolyma)      Jon Foster in           I misteri di Pittsburgh [The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, 2008] (Art Bechstein)      Steve Foster in           Il solista [The Soloist, 2009] (Steve)      James Franco in           Annapolis [2006] (Jake Huard) ;           Come un uragano [Nights in Rodanthe, 2008] (Mark Flanner) ;           True Story [2015] (Christian Longo)      Christian Friedel in           Il nastro bianco [Das weiße Band - Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte, 2009] (Lehrer, l'insegnante)      Patrick Fugit in           La mia vita è uno zoo [We Bought a Zoo, 2011] (Robin Jones)      Mark Furze in           La rivalsa di una madre - Breaking In [Breaking In, 2018] (Peter)      John Gallagher Jr. in           La diseducazione di Cameron Post [The Miseducation of Cameron Post, 2018] (rev. Rick)      Guillaume Gallienne in           Il tulipano d'oro [Fanfan la tulipe, 2003] (la Houlette)      Andrew Garfield in           Gli occhi di Tammy Faye [The Eyes of Tammy Faye, 2021] (Jim Bakker)      Vladimir Garin in           Il ritorno [Vozvrashcheniye, 2003] (Andrey)      Brian Geraghty in           Chiamata da uno sconosciuto [When a Stranger Calls, 2006] (Bobby)      Joseph Gilgun in           Lockout [2012] (Hydell)      Andy Gillet in           Gli amori di Astrea e Celadon [Les amours d'Astrée et de Céladon, 2007] (Céladon)      Domhnall Gleeson in           Il Grinta [True Grit, 2010] (Moon) ;           Calvario [Calvary, 2014] (Freddie Joyce) ;           Vi presento Christopher Robin [Goodbye Christopher Robin, 2017] (Alan Alexander Milne) ;           Peter Rabbit [2018] (Thomas McGregor / Jeremy Fisher) {Thomas} ;           Le regine del crimine [The Kitchen, 2019] (Gabriel O'Malley)      Joseph Gordon-Levitt in           Il pianeta del tesoro [Treasure Planet, 2002] (Jim Hawkins) ;           Sguardo nel vuoto [The Lookout, 2007] (Chris Pratt) ;           Looper [2012] (Joe Simmons)      Ryan Gosling in           Stay - Nel labirinto della mente [Stay, 2005] (Henry Letham)      James Landry Hébert in           Le paludi della morte [Texas Killing Fields, 2011] (Eugene Sliger)      Lukas Haas in           Contraband [2012] (Danny Raymer)      Ryan Hansen in           Superhero - Il più dotato fra i supereroi [Superhero Movie, 2008] (Lance Landers)      Benedict Hardie in           Poker Face [2022] (Styx)      Garrett Hedlund in           Eragon [2006] (Murtagh)      Martin Henderson in           The Ring [2002] (Noah Clay)      Patrick Heusinger in           Frances Ha [2012] (Reade 'Patch' Krause)      Emile Hirsch in           Il club degli imperatori [The Emperor's Club, 2002] (Sedgewick Bell) ;           Venuto al mondo [2012] (Diego)      Robert Hoffman in           Step Up 2 - La strada per il successo [Step Up 2: The Streets, 2008] (Chase Collins) ;           Alieni in soffitta [Aliens in the Attic, 2009] (Ricky Dillman)      Edward Hogg in           Anonymous [2011] (Robert Cecil)      Miyu Irino in           La città incantata - Spirited away [Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi, 2001] (Haku)      Neil Jackson in           Incontrerai l'uomo dei tuoi sogni [You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, 2010] (Alan)      Muhammad Amine Jadil in           Much Loved [2015] (Osama)      Oliver James in           Una ragazza e il suo sogno [What a Girl Wants, 2003] (Ian Wallace)      Sebastian Jessen in           Love Is All You Need [Den skaldede frisør, 2012] (Patrick)      Basak Köklükaya in           Un tocco di zenzero [Politiki kouzina, 2003] (Saime)      Adam Kaufman in           Altered - Paura dallo spazio profondo [Altered, 2006] (Wyatt)      Beau Knapp in           Southpaw - L'ultima sfida [Southpaw, 2015] (Jon Jon)      Zachary Knighton in           The Hitcher [2007] (Jim Halsey)      David Kross in           The Reader - A voce alta [The Reader, 2008] (Michael Berg da ragazzo)      David Krumholtz in           I pinguini di Mr. Popper [Mr. Popper's Penguins, 2011] (Kent)      Thai-Hoa Le in           X-Men - Giorni di un futuro passato [X-Men: Days of Future Past, 2014] (Gen. Nhuan)      Will Yun Lee in           Wolverine l'immortale [The Wolverine, 2013] (Kenuichio Harada)      Tyron Leitso in           Figlia a sorpresa [To Love and Die, 2008] (Robert)      Jared Leto in           Dallas Buyers Club [2013] (Rayon) ;           Blade Runner 2049 [2017] (Niander Wallace) ;           Fino all'ultimo indizio [The Little Things, 2021] (Albert Sparma)      Yehuda Levi in           Yossi & Jagger [2002] (Lior Amichai 'Jagger')      James Hiroyuki Liao in           World Invasion [Battle Los Angeles, 2011] (cap. Steven Mottola)      Anders Danielsen Lie in           Sull'isola di Bergman [Bergman Island, 2021] (Joseph)      Hamish Linklater in           90 minuti a New York [The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, 2014] (Tommy Altmann)      Adam Long in           The Kill Team [2019] (Rayburn)      Justin Long in           Ammesso [Accepted, 2006] (Bartleby Gaines) ;           The Conspirator [2010] (Nicholas Baker) ;           Comic Movie [Movie 43, 2013] (il falso Robin)      Jack Lowden in           Maria regina di Scozia [Mary Queen of Scots, 2018] (lord Henry Darnley)      Daniel Lundh in           L'immortale [L'immortel, 2010] (Malek Telaa)      Bence Mátyássy in           Kontroll [2003] (Bomboletta (orig. Gyalogkakukk))      Eloy Méndez in           Bread and Roses [2000] (Juan)      James Mackay in           Non avere paura del buio [Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, 2010] (il bibliotecario)      Benoît Magimel in           I figli del secolo [Les enfants du siècle, 1999] (Alfred de Musset) ;           La pianista [La pianiste, 2001] (Walter Klemmer) ;           La damigella d'onore [La demoiselle d'honneur, 2004] (Philippe Tardieu) ;           Quello che gli uomini non dicono [Selon Charlie, 2006] (Pierre) ;           Piccole bugie tra amici [Les petits mouchoirs, 2010] (Vincent Ribaud) ;           We Were Young - Destinazione paradiso [On voulait tout casser, 2015] (Gérôme) ;           Grandi bugie tra amici [Nous finirons ensemble, 2019] (Vincent Ribaud)      David Masajnik in           Goool! [Metegol, 2013] (Amadeo)      Giles Matthey in           Boulevard [2014] (Eddie)      Kevin McDonald in           Epic Movie [2007] (Harry Potter)      Benjamin McKenzie in           Live! Corsa contro il tempo [Line of Duty, 2019] (Dean Keller)      Scoot McNairy in           Monsters [2010] (Andrew Kaulder) ;           Cogan - Killing Them Softly [2012] (Frankie) ;           Black Sea [2014] (Daniels)      Anthony McPartlin in           Alien Autopsy [2006] (Gary Shoefield)      Selton Mello in           Trash [2014] (Frederico)      Stephen Merchant in           Libera uscita [Hall Pass, 2011] (Gary)      Chris Messina in           Julie & Julia [2009] (Eric Powell)      Max Minghella in           Le idi di marzo [The Ides of March, 2011] (Ben Harpen)      Reza Mir in           Argo [2012] (Reza, la guida)      Wagner Moura in           The Gray Man [2022] (Laszlo Sosa)      Massi Mrowat in           Come pietra paziente [Syngué sabour, pierre de patience, 2012] (il giovane militare)      Frankie Muniz in           Stay Alive [2006] (Swink Sylvania)      Lochlyn Munro in           Duets [2000] (Ronny Jackson) ;           Scary Movie [2000] (Greg Phillippe)      Cillian Murphy in           TRON: Legacy [2010] (Edward Dillinger)      Leonardo Nam in           One for the Money [2012] (John Cho)       Nelly in           L'altra sporca ultima meta [The Longest Yard, 2005] (Earl Megget)      Zenzo Ngqobe in           Il suo nome è Tsotsi [Tsotsi, 2005] (Butcher)      Hugh O'Conor in           Blueberry [2004] (Mike Blueberry da giovane)      Aidan O'Hare in           Il vento che accarezza l'erba [The Wind That Shakes the Barley, 2006] (ragazzo paralizzato)      John Oliver in           Il re Leone [The Lion King, 2019] (Zazu)      Steve Park in           Botte di fortuna [The Brass Teapot, 2012] (dott. Ling)      Jim Parsons in           Il diritto di contare [Hidden Figures, 2016] (Paul Stafford)      Benjamin Pascal in           I figli della pioggia [Les Enfants de la pluie, 2003] (Skan)      Rodolphe Pauly in           Nathalie... [2003] (Thierry, il figlio)      Vincent Perez in           I villeggianti [Les estivants, 2018] (Jonathan Dickinson)      Nathan Phillips in           Wolf Creek [2005] (Ben Mitchell)      Frédéric Pierrot in           Immortal ad vitam [Immortel (ad vitam), 2004] (John)      Chris Pine in           Baciati dalla sfortuna [Just My Luck, 2006] (Jake Hardin)      Aaron Poole in           The Void - Il vuoto [The Void, 2016] (Daniel Carter)      Melvil Poupaud in           Grazie a Dio [Grâce à Dieu, 2018] (Alexandre Guérin) ;           L'ufficiale e la spia [J'accuse, 2019] (Fernand Labori) ;           Estate '85 [Été 85, 2020] (sig. Lefèvre) ;           Un colpo di fortuna - Coup de Chance [Coup de chance, 2023] (Jean Fournier)      Nikos Poursadinis in           La sorgente del fiume [Trilogia I: To Livadi pou dakryzei, 2004] (il giovane)      Chris Pratt in           Bride Wars - La mia migliore nemica [Bride Wars, 2009] (Fletcher Flemson) ;           [S]ex list [What's Your Number?, 2011] (Donald)      Zachary Quinto in           Margin Call [2011] (Peter Sullivan)      Chris Rankin in           Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale [Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, 2001] (Percy Weasley) ;           Harry Potter e la camera dei segreti [Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002] (Percy Weasley) ;           Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004] (Percy Weasley)      James Ransone in           Nella valle della violenza [In a Valley of Violence, 2016] (il vicesceriffo Gilly Martin)      Jim Rash in           Scarpette rosse e i sette nani [Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs, 2019] (il Principe Average)      Eddie Redmayne in           L'ombra del potere - The Good Shepherd [The Good Shepherd, 2006] (Edward Wilson Jr.) ;           Savage Grace [2007] (Antony Baekeland) ;           Les misérables [2012] (Marius Pontmercy) ;           Jupiter - Il destino dell'universo [Jupiter Ascending, 2015] (Balem Abrasax)      Jérémie Renier in           L'enfant - Una storia d'amore [L'enfant, 2005] (Bruno) ;           Proprietà privata [Nue propriété, 2006] (Thierry) ;           Il matrimonio di Lorna [Le silence de Lorna, 2008] (Claudy Moreau) ;           Il ragazzo con la bicicletta [Le gamin au vélo, 2011] (Guy Catoul) ;           La ragazza senza nome [La fille inconnue, 2016] (Vincent, il padre di Bryan) ;           Doppio amore [L'amant double, 2017] (Paul / Louis)      Ryan Reynolds in           I Croods [The Croods, 2013] (Guy) ;           Turbo [2013] (Theo 'Turbo')      Jonathan Rhys Meyers in           Sognando Beckham [Bend It Like Beckham, 2002] (Joe) ;           Mission: Impossible III [2006] (Declan Gormley)      Giovanni Ribisi in           Lost in Translation - L'amore tradotto [Lost in Translation, 2003] (John) ;           Perfect Stranger [2007] (Miles Haley)      Keith Robinson in           All Eyez on Me [2017] (Atron Gregory)      Alexandre Rodrigues in           City of God [Cidade de Deus, 2002] (Buscapé)      Ramon Rodriguez in           Pelham 1 2 3 - Ostaggi in metropolitana [The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, 2009] (Delgado)      Michael Rosenbaum in           Catch .44 [2011] (Brandon)      Drew Roy in           Un anno da ricordare [Secretariat, 2010] (Seth Hancock)      Stanislav Ryadinskiy in           Andersen - Una vita senza amore [Andersen. Zhizn bez lyubvi, 2006] (Andersen, da giovane)      Mark Ryder in           Red Snake [Sœurs d'armes, 2019] (El Britani)      Joachim Salinger in           I re e la regina [Rois et reine, 2004] (Pierre Cotterelle)      Russell Sams in           Le regole dell'attrazione [The Rules of Attraction, 2002] (Richard)      Will Sanderson in           In the Name of the King [In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale, 2007] (Bastian)      Stark Sands in           Ore 11:14 - Destino fatale [11:14, 2003] (Tim)      Rodrigo Santoro in           Rio [2011] (Tulio) ;           Rio 2 - Missione Amazzonia [Rio 2, 2014] (Tulio Monteiro)      Peter Sarsgaard in           The Cell - La cellula [The Cell, 2000] (il fidanzato di Julia Hickson)      Matthias Schoenaerts in           Chi è senza colpa [The Drop, 2014] (Eric Deeds)      Jason Schwartzman in           Il treno per il Darjeeling [The Darjeeling Limited, 2007] (Jack L. Whitman) ;           Saving Mr. Banks [2013] (Richard Sherman) ;           Grand Budapest Hotel [The Grand Budapest Hotel, 2014] (sig. Jean) ;           Big Eyes [2014] (Ruben) ;           The French Dispatch [2021] (Hermès Jones) ;           Spider-Man - Across the Spider-Verse [Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, 2023] (dott. Jonathan Ohnn / Macchia (orig. Spot))      Adam Scott in           The Wedding Party [Bachelorette, 2012] (Clyde)      Andrew Scott in           Pride [2014] (Gethin Roberts) ;           Alice attraverso lo specchio [Alice Through the Looking Glass, 2016] (dott. Addison Bennet)       Sen'ge in           Il matrimonio di Tuya [Tuya de hun shi, 2006] (Sen'ge)      Ayrton Senna in           Senna [2010] (immagini di repertorio)      Chris Sheffield in           Maze Runner - Il labirinto [The Maze Runner, 2014] (Ben)      Jimmi Simpson in           Sotto assedio - White House Down [White House Down, 2013] (Skip Tyler)      Alexander Skarsgård in           Quel che sapeva Maisie [What Maisie Knew, 2012] (Lincoln)      Bill Skarsgård in           It [2017] (It / il clown Pennywise) ;           It - Capitolo due [It Chapter Two, 2019] (It / Pennywise)      Arjay Smith in           The Day After Tomorrow - L'alba del giorno dopo [The Day After Tomorrow, 2004] (Brian Parks)      Cory Michael Smith in           Carol [2015] (Tommy Tucker)      Matt Smith in           Womb [2010] (Thomas) ;           PPZ - Pride + Prejudice + Zombies [Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, 2016] (Parson Collins)      Oisin Stack in           Cose nostre - Malavita [The Family, 2013] (Henri)      Michael Stahl-David in           Cloverfield [2008] (Rob Hawkins)      Sebastian Stan in           Captain America - Il primo vendicatore [Captain America: The First Avenger, 2011] (James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes) ;           Captain America - The Winter Soldier [Captain America: The Winter Soldier, 2014] (James 'Bucky' Barnes / Soldato d'inverno) ;           Captain America - Civil War [Captain America: Civil War, 2016] (James 'Bucky' Barnes / Soldato d'inverno) ;           La truffa dei Logan [Logan Lucky, 2017] (Dayton White) ;           Avengers - Infinity War [Avengers: Infinity War, 2018] (James 'Bucky' Barnes / Soldato d'Inverno) ;           Black Panther [2018] (Bucky Barnes) ;           Avengers - Endgame [Avengers: Endgame, 2019] (James 'Bucky' Barnes / Soldato d'inverno)      Aaron Stanford in           Tadpole - Un giovane seduttore a New York [Tadpole, 2002] (Oscar Grubman) ;           X-Men 2 [X2, 2003] (John Allerdyce/Pyro) ;           X-Men: conflitto finale [X-Men: The Last Stand, 2006] (John Allerdyce / Pyro)      Wesley Stiller in           Rin Tin Tin [Finding Rin Tin Tin, 2007] (Steve)      Laurent Stocker in           Semplicemente insieme [Ensemble, c'est tout, 2007] (Philibert Marquet de la Tubelière)      Jeremy Strong in           Zero Dark Thirty [2012] (Thomas) ;           The Judge [2014] (Dale Palmer) ;           La grande scommessa [The Big Short, 2015] (Vinny Daniel)      Praptpapol Suwanbang in           Largo Winch II - The Burma Conspiracy [Largo Winch II, 2011] (Kadjang)      Quentin Tarantino in           The Hateful Eight [2015] (voce narrante)      Larenz Tate in           Ray [2004] (Quincy Jones)      Alexandre Tharaud in           Amour [2012] (Alexandre)      Eddie Kaye Thomas in           Appuntamento al buio [Blind Dating, 2006] (Larry)      Justin Timberlake in           L'orso Yoghi [Yogi Bear, 2010] (l'orsetto Bubu)      John Álex Toro in           Maria Full of Grace [2004] (Franklin)      Yann Trégouët in           La casa sul mare [La villa, 2017] (Yvan)      Harry Treadaway in           Ember - Il mistero della città di luce [City of Ember, 2008] (Doon Harrow)      Luke Treadaway in           A spasso con Bob [A Street Cat Named Bob, 2016] (James Bowen)      Maxime Tremblay in           C.R.A.Z.Y. [2005] (Christian Beaulieu dai 24 ai 30 anni)      Jonathon Trent in           Transformers - La vendetta del Caduto [Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, 2009] (Fassbinder)      Jonathan Tucker in           I segreti del lago [The Deep End, 2001] (Beau Hall)      Milo Ventimiglia in           Cursed - Il maleficio [Cursed, 2005] (Bo) ;           Indovina perché ti odio [That's My Boy, 2012] (Chad Martin) ;           Killing Season [2013] (Chris Ford)      Robert Vito in           Spy Kids - Missione 3-D: Game Over [Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, 2003] (Rez)      Cheathavuth Watcharakhun in           Ong-bak - Nato per combattere [Ong-bak, 2003] (Peng)      Bronson Webb in           Still Life [2013] (sig. White, l'addetto della camera mortuaria)      David Wenham in           Il regno di Ga'Hoole - La leggenda dei guardiani [Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole, 2010] (Digger)      Paul Wesley in           Madri e figlie [Mothers and Daughters, 2016] (Kevin)      Ben Whishaw in           Profumo - Storia di un assassino [Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, 2006] (Jean-Baptiste Grenouille) ;           Io non sono qui [I'm Not There., 2007] (Arthur) ;           Ritorno a Brideshead [Brideshead Revisited, 2008] (Sebastian Flyte) ;           Cloud Atlas [2012] (Robert Frobisher) ;           Heart of the Sea - Le origini di Moby Dick [In the Heart of the Sea, 2015] (Herman Melville) ;           La vita straordinaria di David Copperfield [The Personal History of David Copperfield, 2019] (Uriah Heep)      John White in           American Pie presenta: nudi alla meta [The Naked Mile, 2006] (Erik Stifler) ;           American Pie Presents: Beta House [2007] (Erik Stifler)      Pharrell Williams in           Il Grinch [The Grinch, 2018] (voce narrante)      Jordan Woods-Robinson in           Premonitions [Solace, 2015] (Jeffrey Oldfield)      Nicolas Wright in           Independence Day - Rigenerazione [Independence Day: Resurgence, 2016] (Floyd Rosenberg)      Alex Wyndham in           As You Like It [2006] (Silvio)      Ken Yamamura in           Godzilla [2014] (Takashi)      Atta Yaqub in           Un bacio appassionato [Fond Kiss..., Ae, 2004] (Casim Khan)      Ailie Ye in           Biutiful [2010] (il padre di Hai)      Steven Yeun in           Nope [2022] (Ricky 'Jupe' Park)      Steve Zahn in           Che fine ha fatto Bernadette? [Where'd You Go, Bernadette, 2019] (David Walker)      Malik Zidi in           Gocce d'acqua su pietre roventi [Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes, 2000] (Franz)      Mohamed Zouaoui in           I fiori di Kirkuk [Golakani Kirkuk, 2010] (Mokhtar) . |