


titolo Asterisk. The Future of Telephony Asterisk. The Future of Telephony
autori Jim Van Meggelen; Jared Smith; Leif Madsen
contributi copertina di Ellie Volckhausen; impaginazione di David Futato; redazione di Mike Loukides, Colleen Gorman; introduzione di Mark Spencer
edito da O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. [link] ISBN 9780596009625 prima edizione 2005
collana s.i.c. genere manuale
caratteristiche fisiche
contenuto Join the Open Source PBX Revolution. Discover the open source application that has traditional telephony providers running scared! This book shows you how to put Asterisk, the open source PBX, to work for you. You'll save money on equipment and support, and you'll finally be in control of your telephone system. If you've worked with telephony in the past, you're familiar with the problem: expensive and inflexible systems that are tuned to the vendor's needs, not yours. Asterisk isn't just a candle in the darkness; it's a whole fireworks show. Asterisk allows you to implement flexible dialplans ...

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Potete trovare questo libro presso Univ. di Bologna - Bibl. Centr. Fac. Ing. "G. P. Dore" (coll. . BIBLIODEIS 102.7 MEG).
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